However, the strongest builds usually require event equipment. But good luck making it! Added end game impact phial sets: If you want Guard 3, use Affinity augment and drop 2 Expert for 2 Guard. Safi 5 set will deal more damage but the bleed makes this fight much more difficult than using an MT set. Chrome Fortress III can be replaced with Dante’s Devil Sword+ or Royal Star Shield (both from events). Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth. Doesn’t go as hard on blast but 500 blast plus Critical Status is still nothing to sneeze at. However, depending on events available at the time you may need to settle for something other than the strongest one. Raging Brach also deals a lot of Blastblight and Blast-induced explosions that can easily tear away at your HP. Added Safi’Jiiva Elemental Phial CB builds (new section), 10/7/2019 çãçãããã©ããã£ãªã¹ in Japanese. SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð Added elemental sets: A Brachydios variant that is much larger than the normal species. Prepended Impact builds with “Lightbreak” or “Safi Impact” to make it easier to find builds. Added Kjarr Focusless builds I’ll be sure to add it back when Lunastra is out on PC. Guard 1 Master’s Touch Match weaknesses with the starting element of Alatreon. Removed Gold Rathian, Melting Grasp, Dante, and Guild Palace CBs from recommended list Sacrifices some element for the mostly infinite sharpness of Master’s Touch. Note that it currently cannot spawn outside of it's quest. Be warned that Charge Blade is a rough time vs this monster, at least before getting its armor. Added Alatreon CB and armor build 8 months ago. Basically, you can attack SUPER fast when your sword is overcharged and get tons of sword phial explosions (Video). Welcome to Monster Hunter Meta! Build variants: Water Guard 5 No event equipment (Glavenus CB). SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð But I have added the build in meta sets. Both Impact and Elemental builds are in this section. High Risk, High Reward Build. Most of the builds on this page are geared toward maximizing offense rather than defense. Recommended for Savage Axe focused playstyle. Requires Teo essence so Beotodus CB cannot use this set. You may have to mix and match if you get unlucky and don’t get any eyes for the head. It’s just pretty ugly. With lunastra coming to PC and Taroth having been around could I get a link? While this looks almost identical to Lightbreak Charge Blade’s Artillery Secret build, the higher base attack from Safi with all attack awakenings provides a significant difference in phial damage. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Lightbreak Charge Blade (Raging Brachydios tree) Added Fatalis Impact build and variants, 10/1/20 s have special effects when equipped, and combine Skills depending on the pieces equipped.. Cookie Cutter (2 Namielle) Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons! Similar power to Safi 5. Required Event Equipment: Alatreon, Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth Thanks to CurrySama#6374 for the improved G1 builds. More damage equals shorter fights, which means less time for the monster to attack you, less time chasing the monster to other areas, less time for your stamina to deteriorate, less time recharging your shield, etc. Guard 5,95,99,76,70,78,83,health,0,0,49,4,0,52,0,0,16,4,0,4,5,0,5,5,5,90,0,0,2. Impact build is still a powerful build in MHW Iceborne, even with the new update with MR Kulve Taroth . 2. HR Teostra Gamma Helm (Guard 5, Artillery 0), SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð Check Out Dual Blades Best Loadout Build Alatreon - Hunting Horn Counter Build Required Event Equipment: Alatreon, Arch-Tempered Velkhana. 3. -3 Handicraft, -1 Attack Boost, +3 Power Prolonger, +5 Divine Blessing, SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth. This set is replaced by Safi set. Cookie Cutter (4 Namielle) But honestly the difference is so marginal it’s not going to matter. Required Event Equipment: None. Reorganized Charge Blades worth getting section (removed images because it was annoying to keep capturing them) Lightbreak Charge Blade + Master Touch (Kaiser Armor) MHW Charge Blades Elemental Builds – Situational, Morphblade can be better with Focusless Velkhana 2 piece build Does “Attack Augment is better than Affinity Augment” only apply on Diablos Tyrannis II? Quick question here, i came up after min-maxing Dante build for current PC, the only diff with yours is +2 Attack -1 Might (compared mine less 0.44 EFR, -10% aff, -10 def but higher Raw). Added Fatalis 4 Elemental builds (focus 3 and focusless), 10/18/20 Ice Guard 5 Artillery 0 No Protective Polish (Beotodus), Build variants: Safi 3 + R.Brachy 2 + Resentment (Highest EFR), SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð Added Kjarr Anti-Rajang build Thanks to Nethersaw for suggesting running 2 Weakness Exploit. Savage has higher damage potential and does more head damage but requires a difficult playstyle where you mostly stay in Axe mode (therefore cannot block) and use Rising slash and Downswing combo. there is one now: Build variants: Deathaxe Vaal Aspida. The guide is made to be easily digestible for people starting with zero experience with Charge Blade, but also contains info up to techniques that even advanced players may not know. Build variants: Required Event Equipment: Safi’Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth Alatreon also introduces Alatreonâs Madness â one ⦠3. Kjarr weapons’ high natural affinity and Safi 5 bonus 40% allows abandoning Weakness Exploit and having 100% affinity all the time when your weapon is drawn. Most people use taroth thunder with free element and true critical element. Added Anti-Kulve and Anti-Raging Brachy builds, 4/24/2020 Updated Anti-Safi build -Be nice Kjarr Strongarm “Ice” (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth) Great Sword Utilities Skills These skills are additional boost to Great Sword build (Similar to Artillery to Charge Blade Build) SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar but not identical builds. Note that builds are (more or less sorted) from strongest to weakest. Sacrifices a few slots for lots of elemental defense, but you are locked into eating for elemental resistance food (which is lost if you faint). Added Kjarr Crusher builds, 5/28/2020 Safi’s Aquashield (EVENT: Safi’Jiiva) This is after you can make 4 pieces of armor and its weapon. Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth, Arch-Tempered Velkhana If playing a Savage Axe centric playstyle, you may opt to drop Focus (and Artillery for Impact Phials) to maximize your physical damage using the logic that if you don’t use SAED at all, you don’t need the extra phial generation from Focus. Deep Schnegel II (Beotodus tree), 1. Guard 5, SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð If you cannot farm it effectively (you need multiple Immortal Reactors) I recommend waiting until you can make and augment a Beotodus CB with Health augment (MR 50+) and make a build with Guard 5 and Antiblast 3. Required Event Equipment: Fatalis (head and waist), Required Event Equipment: Fatalis (4 pieces). ( Log Out / Charge Blades worth getting -4 Attack Boost, +4 Guard 4. Hey, the Lunastra got announced on PC. Added builds using Lightbreak Charge Blade (Raging Brachydios) and Raging Brachydios armor, including progression builds Removed Gold Rathian, Melting Grasp, Dante, and Guild Palace CBs from recommended list Removed Health augment from builds that used Safi set and Resentment Demonlord Blade (Furious Rajang) is still under inspection as a build option Regarding Dante build for PC, you could trade 2 Crit Eye for 1 extra Maximum Might. Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth, Safi’Jiiva For Savage Axe fanatics only, dropping Focus and Artillery for pure physical damage. Added Anti-Fatalis build Like all Weapons, it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used.Please see Weapon Mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools.. However, I'm wondering about how I could fix things on my end (aside from hitting MR 100, at which point I can get bonus defense from augmenting for extra bulk). Fatalis cannot be KO’d or clutch claw staggered There are two one-shot binders in the arena, one near the shield that is melted by the first nova and the other near the ballista on the opposite side you’re right, but for the sake of not having 2 builds, I wanted a build that doesn’t require other event equipment (kulve). 3. This build is replaced by Kjarr Safi 5 / Kjarr Master’s Touch. Higher physical hits (including Savage Axe ticks) than Safi 5 (Focus 0), but lower phial damage. Other tips: Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar builds. Build variants: This is but an early draft made with the knowledge accumulated by console runners before it was released on PC, but it's good enough until you're able to awaken the "meta" weapons. 2. This build does not easily fit Guard 5. Flinch shot does not launch Fatalis forward unless he is crawling (not standing) Like the other two choices, it comes with multiple decoration slots to further enhance your build. Only recommended for high element (base 390+). SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð True Fatalis Charger (EVENT: Fatalis) Kjarr Strongarm “Decay” (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth) & Alatreon Morphblade (EVENT: Alatreon) Requires Teo essence so Beotodus CB cannot use this set. Charge Blade (ãã£ã¼ã¸ã¢ãã¯ã¹ chyaaji akkusu, "charge axe") is a weapon category in Monster Hunter World (MHW). *Added Meme Builds section Raging Brachy Beta + Armor Set Notes Except for progression CBs, these are ranked from strongest to weakest. However, it may be too overwhelming for players until they get at least a few augments and better decorations (especially Health augment). Recommended mantles: Temporal and Rocksteady (can be risky) or Glider. While most of the builds are for endgame/postgame where all decorations are available, there are also progression builds starting from the beginning of Master Rank. Legs are interchangeable for Kulve or Garuga legs depending on the decorations you have available. Guard 5 Artillery 5 No event equipment (Beotodus CB). Artillery 5 has been reborn and it is REALLY strong (compared to Zorah sets). This build is replaced by Kjarr Safi 5. Thanks! I have also written a Charge Blade guide for Iceborne which can be found at the top of the page or here. Its slime explodes quicker, over a much wider radius, and comes out more frequently. I would recommend taking a look at the sticky Meta Megathread for Bow which breaks down the best bow for each element and a recommended armor and deco build for that bow. Build variants: Match weaknesses with the starting element of Alatreon. ( Log Out / Added Anti-Alatreon builds: Anti-Alatreon (Defensive) and Anti-Alatreon (Offensive),84,99,80,70,100,75,health,0,0,4,4,0,4,49,0,16,5,0,52,0,0,5,5,5,5,5,0,2, According to this formula: Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons! If you really want to do Dragon damage, this Charge Blade can help. No sleep gang...Okey this 2 videos had priority so for now I am going to rest, wish you all great hunts & good luck. SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð Added ratings (SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð) to meta builds Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. yes, on other CB I would take affinity before attack. Build variants: -1 Handicraft, -3 Evade Window, +4 Guard Safi’s Drakshield (EVENT: Safi’Jiiva) Added builds using Lightbreak Charge Blade (Raging Brachydios) and Raging Brachydios armor, including progression builds Removed Gold Rathian, Melting Grasp, Dante, and Guild Palace CBs from recommended list Removed Health augment from builds that used Safi set and Resentment Demonlord Blade (Furious Rajang) is still under inspection as a build option HR Teostra Gamma Helm (Guard 1, Artillery 3) Dante’s Devil Sword+ (EVENT: Code Red & EVENT: A Shocking Climax) Fatalis armor builds will be coming soon, 7/9/2020 A hunter with Ghillie mantle can set up a topple from the get go using two fully loaded cannons (the player doing this should use Heavy Artillery 2) Note that even for this playstyle, dropping Focus has some downsides: making your Double Slash and Condensed Elemental Slash (sword buff) charge slower, and occasionally costing you extra attacks in sword mode (compared to Focus 3) before you can reload and attack in Axe mode. This is the updated version of Dual Blades Build for Monster Hunter World. Thanks for Anonymous for the improved G5 build. Lightbreak Charge Blade + Raging Brachydios. Good day! The Raging Brachydios can be found around the Guiding Lands, specifically in the Volcanic Region during a quest. Be aware that you will be injured with every attack with this build, but as long as you're able to continuously hit Alatreon, you'll be able to survive. Kjarr Fire, Thunder, and Dragon are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire. I'm a Charge Blade main that, for one reason or another, has failed to beat Raging Brachydios partially because of SOS people flailing and dying. Safi’s Hellshield (EVENT: Safi’Jiiva) 3. Focusless Builds RULES (to be expanded): Here is a fair comparison between those 2 for the people that are interested. Kjarr Strongarm “King” (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth) This is greate. No Kjarr (Beotodus CB) Added MR Kulve builds (Kjarr elemental only, impact meta is unaffected) For those that actually want to use the new armor and weapon. Cookie Cutter (True Critical Element), 9/29/2019 Number two what are the best kulve elemental bows? Royal Star Shield (EVENT: 50 Shades of White), * you can get other status CBs if you want, Blast is the best general purpose one, 1. Raging Brachydios is a substantially difficult encounter which can be attempted as soon as the story is complete (and fighting its prerequisites Rajang and Stygian Zinogre). Preparing For Raging Brachydios Bring Fireproof Mantle. Or vs MR Kulve Taroth, if you wanna use a Charge Blade, use a Kjarr Ice CB and lean towards savage axe or SAED or whatever playstyle, etc. Dual Blades - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide Read this guide to know more about the new Raging Brachydios equipment in MHW: Iceborne! This is after you can make 4 pieces of armor and its weapon. there used to be one here which naturally they made sure to delete it before PC got it. Required Event Equipment: Safi’Jiiva impex powerhouse home gym manual book review, free download Kjarr Strongarm “Spark” (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth) Hello. Build variants: Raging Brachydios + Teostra Armor Learn how your comment data is processed. Three interesting properties coincide to make this strategy stronger than you expect: (1) “overcharged” sword (when you attack too much before reloading) is forced to bounce on every attack (2) if you prevent an attack that would normally bounce from bouncing, it will have no hitstop (3) Charge Blade can give itself Mind’s Eye on all sword attacks by charging the sword. Savage Axe only version. 2. Know how to unlock Raging Brachydios weapons, armor & pendant, required materials to craft them. 1. It is a variant of Brachydios. 4. Itâs one of just a few non-event Charge Blades that deals elemental damage, has Power Element Phials, and can equip custom augments. Does the legendary slime element come along with those weapons. Savage Axe playstyle deals the most damage to Alatreon but this build can play either Savage or SAED. Progression Builds This build goes ultra hard on blast buildup, with decent physical damage. No event equipment (Lightbreak CB), Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth, Safi’Jiiva. Mid-story Guard 1 Artillery 5 Meme Builds, 11/7/20 ( Log Out / 2. Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons! It would be best if each combo had like a top 3 or 5, for people who might not have farmed or unlocked the monsters for the optimal gear yet. HR Teostra Gamma Helm (Guard 5), SAED ð Savage ð Sharpness ð Comfy ð -2 Handicraft, -2 Evade Window, +5 Divine Blessing I currently have rarity 7 rathian Longsword and charge blade. Impact Builds Required Event Equipment: Safi’Jiiva Dear Rosetta (Pink Rathian tree) OR Chrome Fortress III (Iron tree), 1. If you want to combine Velkhana and Raging Brachydios bonuses, you will need Vekhana Essence as one of the Awakening Skill in your Safiâjiiva Great Sword. Improved Fatalis Impact Focusless builds (thanks PaintedJ) Any Dante build that is recommneded now that Dante is out on PC? Fire/Thunder/Dragon Guard 5. Required Event Equipment: None. Required Event Equipment: Safi’Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth Found in: Guiding Lands (quest only) Demonlord Blade (Furious Rajang tree) Can you add build using Taroth Strongarm “Thunder” and “Ice”? Kjarr Fire, Thunder, and Dragon are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire. Of course knowing my luck it had some behemoth gear or something. For more raw, you can swap the charm for Challenger Charm V and drop to 2 Paralyze Attack. Required Event Equipment: Safi’Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth 6. Raging Brachydios provide a boost to both Artillery and Agitator, making itâs a natural choice for Charge Blade build. 4. Absolutely. Weapon from the Raging Brachydios Monster; Styled with the Raging Brachy Alpha + Armor Set; This unique Charge Blade has decorations, and features Blast 210; Notes and Tips go here . Many builds require event equipment but I provide (weaker) alternatives without event equipment where possible. And match if you REALLY want to use the same builds ( with elemental... Defeat Raging Brachydios a+ another Attack Shattershield * ( EVENT: Safi ’ s Devil (. Variants: No EVENT Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth ) 2 for Monster Hunter World to and...: MR Kulve Taroth, Arch-Tempered Velkhana Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar builds )... Aggressive anti-Alatreon build that is only recommended for high element ( base 390+ ) raw would in... Anti-Kulve and Ice build on this list is the updated version of an anti-Lunastra set Charge! 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