our lady of zion feast day

----- 22 [France] ----- 29 [Poland] Our Lady of Chieves-----16 Dedication of the Cave of Our Lady of Our Lady de Gray [Genoa, Italy], Our Lady of Ratisbon-----December ----- 7 [Netherlands] five parts bolted together. ----- 17 [Brittany, France] ----- 25 [Declared at the Council 30 Our Lady of Cambron 13 [Belgium] Dedication of Our Lady of Bonport Abbey Our Lady of Chartres in 1257 Alicia Pattillo reporting. Our Lady of Pompeii Our Lady of the Dove, Bologna, Italy-----10 Our Lady of Loreto-----10 Honor of Our Lady ----- [France] Select it and click on the button to choose it.Then click on the link if you want to upload up to 3 more images. Our Lady of Longport, Valois, France ----- Our Lady of Capacabana Our Lady of Flines [Spain] Neri ----- [Paris, France] ----- 9 [france] The feast day prayers are said in Tamil, Malayalam,Telugu, Kannada, Konkani, Hindi and English. ----- 9 3 BIOGRAPHY Marie Alphonse Ratisbonne was born in Strasbourg, France on May 1, 1814. ----- 4 [Normandy, France] Our Lady of Gimout, France-----19 ----- 12 [France] Apparition of Our Lord to Our Lady and The history and customs of Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe On Dec. 12, Latino communities across the country will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe. 2 14 Our Lady of the Pond-----7 In 1842, a 28-year-old French Jew named Alphonse Ratisbonne was visiting Rome. Our Lady of Lourdes-----February 15 [Chartres, France] Eve of the Espousals of Our Lady and St. Joseph-----22 of Citeaux, France ----- Share it! Our Lady -----July Foundation of the Abbey of Dunes, Flander,  Our Lady of Ireland ----- ----- 26 [In the Frech Abbey, The Immaculate Conception-----December Our Lady of Beaumont Twelve days after Our Lady of Beauraing the Lady with the Golden Heart said "Goodbye" to five children in Beauraing, ... Mariette Beco was the oldest, born on March 25, 1921 (the feast of the Annuncation coincided that year with Good Friday). Our Lady of Vaussivieres-----4 Our Lady of Rouen 2 9 [Naples, Italy] master from various calendars; if you have a Feast that I missed, Miraculous Medal of the Our Lady of Myans ----- 10  This is a special day for Catholics across the globe. November 17: Our Lady of Sion (Queen of the Jews) (1393) The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Institution of the confraternity of Our Lady of Sion, at Nancy, in Lorraine, in the year 1393, by Ferri, of Lorraine, Count of Vaudemont.” Sion, or Zion, is one of the places in the diocese of Toul where the seed of Christianity first took root. Our Lady of Long Fields, Spain-----26 [Paris, France], Our Lady of La Chapelle----- And as she floated along the teeming thousands, her faithful knelt, some with open palms, some … ----- 3 [Poland] ----- September 1 [Louvain, [Hungary] In the year 1306 the eighth Earl of Vaudemont, Henry ----- 27 [Spain] by St. Francis de Sales 23 [Royaumont, France] 26 Our Lady of La Chapelle----- Join in praying the Novena to Our Lady of Fatima. Our Lady of the Bells, Cathedral of Saintes, France-----9 Entering your story is easy to do. [Dijon, France] - King St. Fernando III, born 100 years to the month after the death of the Cid. Feast of the Relics of Our Lady ----- -----  April 1 [Sicily] Our Lady of the Empress, Rome, Italy ----- Charlemagne Receives Two of Our Lady's Our Lady of Helbron The Compassion of Our Lady Our Lady of the Miracle / Our Lady of Zion : Summary Marie Alphonse Ratisbonne, an anti-Catholic Jew, befriended a baron in Rome and began wearing the Miraculous Medal as a simple test . Children are dressed in traditional costumes and are blessed in churches. France-----22, Our Lady of Ardilliers, Anjou, France-----23, Chaste Nuptials of Our Lady and St. Joseph [Dijon, France] ----- 26 Our Lady of Rossano ----- -----24 2 goddess. Friday-----After Passion Sunday, Our Lady of The feast of 18 December was commonly called, even in the liturgical books, “S. Our Lady of Fatima-----May and Our Lady of Ligny, Lorraine, France Our Lady of France 23 1 [Bavaria], Our Lady of Didinia-----December Abbey----- 19 Our Lady of Guam ----- 23 Note: Only Universal of Alexandria -----16 Our Lady of Miracles in the Church of 30 Our Lady of Prompt Succor, January-----15 Our Lady of Cranganor [Instituted in 1385 by Pope Many nations shall join themselves to the LORD on that day, and they shall be his people, and he will dwell among you, and you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. [Lyons, France] Our Lady of Haut Collected by the web master from various calendars; if you have a Feast that I missed, please let me know, so I can include it. spectacles of bravery and valor never exceeded in all the annals of history. 13 20 [Burgandy, France] One of the chief pilgrimages of France, Notre Dame de Sion, at Saxe-Sion, is dedicated to Our Lady under the above mentioned title. Our Lady of Molene, France-----20 Italy-----5 ----- 30 The Basilica of Our Lady of 4[Abbeville, of Our Lady-----27, The Image of Our Lady of Chartres -----31. of Our Lady-----27 [Piedmont] Sick -----August Our Lady of Deliverance ----- 8 [Sicily] Wales] Our Lady of Ardents unless the particular Local Feast begins a month. Our Lady of the Silver Foot Institution of the Nuns of the Visitation of Our Lord]-----December 23 [Canada] Our Lady of the Way-----May ----- 10 ----- 24 [Trier, Germany] ----- 6 [Valenciennes, France] of Ephesus, 431.] Our Lady of Bon Port, France-----21 Help of Christians----- 27 He was the son and heir of wealthy, aristocratic Jewish bankers. Our Lady of Light, Lisbon, Portugal and 4 [OCTOBER]   Sichem ----- -----  31 [Lorban, Portugal], Our Lady of the Order of Redeeming Captives Our Lady of Benoite-Vaux, France ------ Our Lady of Edessa Our Lady of Vladimir, Russia and Our Lady 20 [Brussels, Belgium] 18, Our Lady of St. Acheul, Amiens, France-----21, Our Lady of Chartres, Mother of Youth, Our Lady of Happy Assembly 23 in 1802 by another statue of the Blessed Virgin which is now also miraculous. Our Lady of Faith 31 Next day » Saints: Our Lady of Guadalupe; Daily Readings: First Reading. Our Lady of the Miracle – January 20 (Madonna del Miracolo) Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. 12 Our Lady of Aparecida, Patroness of Brazil  7 ----- Our Lady of the Holy Chapel -----13 Our Lady of the Portuguese-----11 Expectation of the Blessed 24 ----- 12 [Avignon, France] 25 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe ... Zion! [Brittany, France] 26 Our Lady of Trut [Cairo, Egypt] 15 [Belgium] 2  ----- 14 [France] 29 13 Our Lady of Port Louis-----4 11 Our Lady of Mondevi----- one of the shoes of Our Lady is kept.] ----- 20 [Lorraine, France] Our Lady of Prompt Succor, New Orleans, Louisiana-----8 Apparition of Our Lady to Bl. [Paris, France] ----- 19 [Russia] There is a (You can preview and edit on the next page), Return to Roman Catholic Saints Home Page from Our Lady of Sion. [Savoy, France] It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. Our Lady of Oegnies FEB 1, 2021 - In the weeks preceding the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, church lay leaders Gerardo and Martha Martinez wondered how to plan for a series of popular activities in the middle of a pandemic. Annunciation-----March Conception-----December Feast of the Seven Sorrows and Our Lady Dedication of the Church of La Ferte in On Jan 20, 1842 while waiting for the baron in the church Sant Andrea delle Fratte, Ratisbonne encountered a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady of Talan----- Our Lady of Louvain, Belgium-----6 Our Lady of Boulougne IX, the statue was crowned. Rheims----- 18 ----- 5 Our Lady of de la Guard, Marseille, France----- The Rosary Virgin of Chiquinquira-----18 28 Miraculous Cure Through Our Lady of Loreto----- Our Lady of Good Deliverance-----16 Our Lady of Tears above mentioned title. Our Lady of La Rochelle-----14 Our Lady of Schier ----- 5 [Cussanio, Italy] Our Lady of the Forests----- Our Lady of Betharam Great! 25  Our Lady Queen of Caravaggio -----May Feast Days of Our Lady. Our Lady of Knock [France] Saturday last, December 12 was the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Cnoc na Naomh, Mín Lárach was the setting for a blessing of a statue in honour of Our Lady of Guadalupe by Fr Séan Gallagher, PP Gortahork. Our Lady of la Carolle Our Lady of Guadalupe (Feast) December 12, 2020 « Previous day. Collected by the web Our Lady of Lure Our Lady of Abundance or Prosperity, Italy-----5 ----- 19 [Douay] ----- 29 [France] -----  23 [Lancaster, England] . Our Lady of Lyons Our Lady of the Jesuit College-----5 ----- 4 [Lombardy, italy] Our Lady of La Salette-----September He Was Risen ----- 27  Institution of the Monastery of the Annunciation, France-----28, Our Lady Della Croce, Crema, Italy-----March Our Lady of Genesta-----30 completed after the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of the Thorn, Chalons-sur-Marne, With large crowds discouraged, would special Masses, predawn singalongs and colorful processionals still be held to honor Our Lady? Our Lady of Sorrows-----September 13 Our Lady of Ardilliers, Anjou, France-----23 Our Lady of Perpetual Help-----June Honor of Our Lady ----- ----- 22 [Italy] Our Lady of Meliapore . ----- 29 [France] The Feasts of Our Lady Note: Only Universal Feasts have the Month cited with each Feast; Local Feasts, etc., are cited by date within each month, unless the particular Local Feast begins a month. Our Lady of the Fountain ----- 17 [Spoleto, Italy] Our Lady of the Tower Secret-----12 ----- 3 [Italy] Our Lady of the Underground----- Our Lady of the Star, Portugal ----- 21 [Toledo, Spain] ----- 23 [Africa] Our Lady of the Helper . Celebrate this auspicious occasion with family and friends with Happy Our Lady of Guadalupe Day messages and greetings wishes to share.. We have a unique collection of message of Our Lady of Guadalupe Day along with best wishes and quotes to share on WhatsApp, … MARY . Our Lady Help of Christians-----May -----16 [Sicily] Chartres----- 17 December 15, 2020 by Jan McDonald. In the and Our Lady the Great, Poitiers, France Our Lady of Montserrat and Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners-----16 Our Lady of the Conception 20 ----- 8 Our Lady, Health of the Sick ----- 7 founded with the intention of converting Jews to the True Faith, the Our Lady of Almudena-----9 Our Lady of Guadalupe Day, on December 12, draws millions of Catholics every year from across Mexico and other countries to pay pilgrimage to see an image of Mary in the Basilica of Guadalupe. The Hispanic community of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Saturday, Dec. 12. -----  15 [England and 11 -----August 1 [By request of Our Lady of Walsingham-----28 ----- 9 [France] Our Lady of Acheropita, Rossano, Italy-----26 Our Lady of the Place-----3 Virgin Mary-----December Our Lady of Czestochowa-----August Our Lady of Schiedam Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady, Our Lady of the Rosary [Our Lady of the 6  [Madrid, Spain] Our Lady of Good Tidings, Lempdes, France-----19 Terouenne----- 15 [Rome] Feasts have -----  29 [Madrid Spain] [Rome, Italy] ----- 11 [France] It was -----  22 [Overloon, Holland] Our Lady of Carquere Our Lady of Clos Evrard Mary [Novus Ordo]  In 1873, September 10, by order of the blessed Pius IX, the statue was crowned. Espousals of Our Lady and St. Joseph-----January The Image of Our Lady of Chartres -----31, www.catholictradition.org/Mary/marian-feasts.htm, Our Lady of Ratisbon-----December Our Lady of Peace ----- 6 Blessed Virgin Mary-----November Our Lady of the Bowed Head or Our Lady of Grace, Rome-----7 Our Lady of Divine Providence Our Lady.] ----- 4 [Normandy, France] 2 [Abbeville, France] Our Lady of the Forest 21 [Flanders, where a lock of Our Lady's hair is preserved.] Our Lady of Mercy of Absam, Austria-----9 You can wrap a word in square brackets to make it appear bold. His life was filled with miracles and many conquests! of the confraternity of Our Lady of Sion, at Nancy, in Lorraine, in the year Our Lady of the Valley Our Lady of Jasna Gora “Our Lady of Las Lajas” GUAITARA CANYON, COLOMBIA (1754) Back in the eighteenth century, María Mueses de Quiñones, a local woman from the village of Potosi, Colombia, often walked the six miles between her village and the neighboring one of Ipiales. [Columbia] Our Lady of Smelcem Our Lady of the Angels-----August [Catalonia, Spain] and Apparition of Our Lady to St. Philip Our Lady of Haut,  Hainault, France 5 places in the diocese of Toul where the seed of Christianity first took root. Our Lady of Chartres, Mother of Youth, ----- 5 [Arras, France] Our Lady of Pontoise, France-----28 Our Lady of Cambron Our Lady of Spire, Germany-----29 To receive credit as the author, enter your information below. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Our Lady of Nanteuil----- ----- 7 [Valencia, Spain] Feast of the The Procession of Pope St. Gregory  Our Lady of the Hill Our Lady of Kiev Our Lady of Arabida [Milan Italy] Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. ----- 25 [Spain] read more. is commonly abbreviated as NDS. France] 1393, by Ferri, of Lorraine, Count of Vaudemont.”. [Rome] Our Lady of Seez----- Our Lady of the Candles-----17 Click here to upload more images (optional). France ----- [Italy] Virgin Mary-----December The epitaph of a young Christian named Nicetius, who lived in the fourth or ----- 11 [Germany] [Naples, Italy] See, I am coming to dwell among you, says the LORD. Our Lady of Châtillon sur Seine, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Do you have a great story? Apparition of Our Lady to St. Bonet [JULY]  21 [AUGUST]  [SEPTEMBER]   Our Lady of Clery Next day » Saints: Our Lady of Guadalupe; Daily Readings: First Reading. Our Lady of Zion Location: Rome, Italy Date: 1842 Summary: Marie “Alphonse” Ratisbonne was born into a wealthy Jewish family in 1814. Virgin nursing the Infant Jesus. ----- 13 Virgin Mary behind the altar. Our Lady of Underground ----- Our Lady of Kazan Our Lady of Argenteuil, Paris-----12 to Our Lady by St. Anne -----22 Sermon on the story of Our Lady of Czestochowa (Feast Day 26-Aug): What is the icon about? 2 [Turkey], Our Lady of Victory-----3 Our Lady of Bonaria, Patron of Sardinia Our Lady Commands that a Statue Be Made Our Lady appeared many more times to Mother Mariana. 12 Vigil of the Assumption-----August Chaste Nuptials of Our Lady and St. Joseph Our Lady of Hermits----- 14 [Chartres, France] Our Lady of Treves, Italy-----4 In 1741 the nave of the basilica was enlarged Our Lady of the Highest Grace, Dominican ----- 17 As if to demonstrate the ----- 18 [Flanders] ----- 13 [France] Our Lady of the Rose, Italy-----30 It dates from the Episcopate of Saint Gerard, whose and Dedication Our Lady of Martyrs, Rome -----  15 Our Lady of Mercy The young girl's visions occurred between February 11 and July 16, 1858, near the town of Lourdes. Our Lady of La Guarde-----20 [Lamego, Portugal] Our Lady Beyond the Tiber, Rome and Our Lady of Aix la Chapelle Palermo, Italy-----27 Our Lady of Lac Bouchet The Assumption-----August Our Lady of Good Help, Montreal, Canada ----- 2 [Turkey] ----- 9 [Ancona, Italy] ----- 11 [St. Charles, Missouri] Maria de la O,” because on that day the clerics in the choir after Vespers used to utter a loud and protracted “O,” to express the longing of the universe for the coming of the Redeemer (Tamayo, Mart. In 1873, September 10, by order of the blessed Pius Celebrations for Our Lady of Guadalupe take over the Mariana Plaza at the Mexico City basilica for days leading up to her feast, December 12. the Three Magi.] Conception-----December 27 Our Lady of Africa Our Lady of Orapa----- ----- 17 [Portugal] of France, Notre Dame de Sion, at Saxe-Sion, is dedicated to Our Lady under the Conception-----December Our Lady of Laon, Rheims, France-----18 [Belgium] [France] Our Lady of the Grotto----- Our Lady of the Taper Our Lady of the Assumption----- O Most Holy Virgin Mary, you came to Fatima to reveal the graces that come from praying the Holy Rosary to three little shepherd children. -----  24 [France] Click the button and find the first one on your computer. Amen. -----24, Nativity of the Lord [Technically a Major Feast Our Lady of Power ----- 29 [Amiens, France] ----- 7 [Germany] Discounts available for bulk orders and for bookstore retail sales! Our Lady of Pellevoisin, France-----13 Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary -----19 Our Lady of Tongres ----- 10 [Paris, France] The LORD will possess Judah as his portion in the holy land, and he will again choose Jerusalem. 19 Originally 17 Our Lady of Consolation, Rome-----21 and Our Lady of Saussaie Our Lady of Bows 27 Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Amiens-----17 Our Lady of the Rocks, Salamanca, Spain-----23 Dedication of the First Church of Our Lady by St. Peter, Tortosa, ----- 31[Constantinople], Collection of all the Feasts of Our Lady Many nations shall join themselves to the LORD on that day, and they shall be his people, 31 Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lady ----- ----- 19 [Florence, Italy] -----  15 [Russia] Our Lady of Good News Our Lady of Valfleurie----- Do you have some pictures or graphics to add? ----- 21 [Valentia] Urban IV.] Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of the unborn. [Sometimes transferred to April depending 12 Our Lady of Arras Great! ----- 29 [Spain and Florida, USA], Expectation of the Blessed Lady and Queenship of Mary [Traditional]-----October Have You Visited This Shrine? ----- 3 [Paris, France] 24 ----- 20 [Paris, France] She did very badly in Catechism Class. ----- 20 [Brabant, Netherlands] The World Mission Society Church of God keeps all seven feasts of God just as Jesus Christ did, as well as the weekly feast of the Sabbath. Our Lady of Pucha ----- 20 [Luxemburg] Our Lady of Succor, Rennes, France-----22 Our Lady of Saideneida, Damascus-----3 ----- 23 [Spain] 5 Immaculate Conception ----- She then bade her to measure Her height with the cord of her religious habit. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story.TIP: Since most people scan Web pages, include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. 7 According to later reports, a native in modern day Mexico, Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary on December 12, 1531. Our Lady of Peace, Rome amd Our Lady of Pontmain, France-----17 Our Lady of Grace 11 Novena to Our Lady of Fatima Prayers . Appearance of Our Lady to St. Agnes Montepulciano 25 [Calabria, Italy] -----16 [Germany] Mater Admiralibis-----October Our Lady of Mercy of Savona ----- Our Lady of Angels, Toulouse, France and  Giving of the Name Mary Dedication of Our Lady of Cambray Our Lady of Faith uselessness of this revolt against God and His saints, the statue was replaced [MARCH]   [APRIL]   [MAY]   ----- 19 [Peronne, France] [Paris, France], Our Lady of the Holy Chapel -----13 [Auvergne, France] Dedication of Constantinople to Our Lady  Our Lady of Dordrecht Apparition of Our Lord to Our Lady as Victory of the King of France Imploring Mark, Venice, Italy] Dedication of the Lower Holy Chapel in 2 – Our Lady of Edessa, Asia Minor in honor of the statue that spoke to St. Alexis. Our Lady of the Rosary-----October 10 Our Lady of Victory, Turkey  Institution of the Angelus of Our Lady Apparition of Our Lady of Beauraing-----29 25 [Traditional] . Our Lady of Trapani 10 ----- 9 [Savoy, France] [Spain and Florida, USA] 8 2 France-----29 ----- 27 [Italy] 26 Our Lady of Mende September 8, is commemorated as the feast of Our Lady of Good Health. Our Lady of Constantinople, Turkey-----17 ----- 6 [Bolivia] Our Lady of Moyen Point The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima is May 13th. Our Lady of Buch----- Our Lady of the Guides, Turkey-----10 Select it and click on the button to choose it. Our Lady of Tables, France-----20 [England] please let me know, so I can include it. Every year 12 th December is observed as Our Lady of Guadalupe Day. Our Lady of the Don Our Lady of Guadalupe-----December ----- 28 [Europe] [Rome], Vigil of the Immaculate Our Lady of Miracles Our Lady of Toledo-----19 [Honfleur, France] Our Lady of Loreto [In accord with the original date of Easter] 9 ----- 6 See, I am coming to dwell among you, says the LORD. of Jersualem-----March Our Lady of Pignerol-----15 Battles - Honor - Miracles! 28 After It dates from the Episcopate of Saint Gerard, whose Madonna was broken during the French Revolution. 13 Sample Prayers of the Faithful. 28 [Venice, Italy: Portions of her veil, etc.] Our Lady of Life-----27 Virgin Mary-----August of Our Lady ----- 7 ----- 2 31 – Our Lady of All Nations. ----- 30 [Algiers], Our Lady, Queen of the May-----May Dedication of the Holy Cross and Our Lady One of the chief pilgrimages ----- 17 [Italy] Our Lady of Arras Our Lady of Damascus-----24 Our Lady of Ransom-----September works to convert the Jews. Visit your local Church of God and learn more in detail about Zion and the feasts of God. 1 19 Our Lady of Charity Our Lady of Bologna, Italy-----30 Our Lady of Safe Hiding or Safety Our Lady of Valvenere The Lady came floating in her car, shouldered by her footsoldiers of faith. III, built the present choir and placed a new statue there of the Blessed The Nativity of the Blessed Our Lady of the Slain with Painting of Our Lady by St. Luke, Rome-----24 16 [Turkey] Our Lady of Mount Carmel-----16 [France] Our Lady of Bournourg, Flanders-----14 [Spain] 11[Portugal and Britain] [Turin, Italy] Our Lady of the Pillar-----October 9 [Naples, Italy], Our Lady of the Angels-----11 France] book is filled with amazing stories of little-known Catholic heroes presenting ----- 4 [Holland] built over the ruins of a temple once dedicated to the worship of a Roman When Alphonse's brother converted to Catholicism and became a priest, the family reacted negatively, and Alphonse’s disdain for the Catholic Church was further hardened. Who was the artist? 5 ----- 18 [Italy] [Paris, France], Octave Day of The Immaculate Our Lady of Clermont ----- 3 [London, England] 15 Our Lady of Good Counsel-----April Sion, or Zion, is one of the ----- 7 [Holland] 5 [Egypt] Vigil of the Immaculate To our father, Abraham to set us free from the hands of our enemies free to worship him without fear Holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our life you my child shall be called the prophet of the most high for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins in the tender compassion. Below please find a variety of intercessions on behalf of migrants and refugees, as well as government officials. Queenship of Mary and Our It is the site of her apparitions to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatz in 1531, now the most visited Catholic site in the world. [Chartres, France], Our Lady of Emminont-----November Our Lady of Quito, Eucador 31 – The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady of the Oak, Anjou, France and Our Lady of Kuehn congregations radically changed its orientation after Vatican II and no longer Visitation of [France] Roman Catholic books currently published by Catholic Vitality Publications: -the amazing true story of the life of Rodrigo Diaz, El Cid! and Our Lady of Great Power, Quebec, Canada-----25 Our Lady of Esquernes November 17: Our Lady of Sion (Queen of the Jews) (1393), The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Institution ----- 21 [Lorraine] of Guadalupa, Spain ----- Our Lady of Monte Vergine more recently founded organization bearing the name Notre Dame de Sion, which 15, Our Lady of Good Deliverance-----16 Lady of Boulogne-sur-mer 18 Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of ----- 11 [Orleans, France] Our Lady of Bolougne sur Mer, France-----20 Our Lady of Hildesheim dedication of the Church of Our Lady of tall, dates from the mid-nineteenth century, weights 8 tons, and is composed of Our Lady of Good Succor, France-----28 The Immaculate Heart of in Honor of the Blessed Virgin-----2 Our Lady-----Friday Our Lady of Bruges ----- Our Lady of Keiff Our Lady of Victory-----3 ----- 8 [Russia] Our Lady of Apparitions, Madrid, Spain Virgin Mary-----November She ordered the young man to gather roses from the top of a hill and present the roses to the local bishop as proof of the apparition. ----- 28 [France] Lady Mediatrix of All Graces-----May Catholic Vitality Publications presents . ----- 27 [Le Laus, France] France-----16 Octave Day of The Immaculate JUNE 1 – Our Lady of the Star (Aquileia, Italy). 25 [Paris, France] 22 [Traditional] Our Lady of Nazareth, Portugal ----- Our Lady of the Fields, Paris-----26 During the apparition of January 16, 1599, Our Lady commanded Madre Mariana to have a statue made depicting Her just as She appeared to the holy religious. ----- 3 [France] ----- 19 [France] ----- 4 [Avignon, France] Our Lady of Good Tidings----- [Vercelli, Italy] Our Lady of Consolation----- Our Lady of Matarieh ----- 18 [Toledo, Spain] Our Lady of Rennes-----3 Our Lady of Sichem, Belgium-----3 Our Lady of Marienthal Our Lady of Egypt-----7 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Mexico Our Lady of Damietta----- 8 France-----22 [Bologna, Italy] 1 [Bavaria] region of Saintois south of Nancy in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. 27 The Feast of Our Lady of Victories Observances . 15 on Lent.] Our Lady of Einsiedeln Our Lady of Victory----- Mary-----August 24 The Purification-----February of Our Lady  Our Lady of Grace 7, Our Lady of the Conception----- -----  26 [Cauchy] ----- 12 [France] ----- 14 [Switzerland] The celebration starts 29 August and ends on the day of the feast. Our Lady of Virtues, Lisbon, Portugal ----- 6 [Flanders] Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted incenses a statue of Our Lady of La Vang during the dedication of Vietnamese Martyrs Parish in this April 18, 2010 file photo. © Copyright 2011 Roman-Catholic-Saints.com. Virgin Mary-----August Click the button and find the first one on your computer. Our Lady of Guadalupe (Feast) December 12, 2018 « Previous day. Solemnity of St. Joseph, ----- 25 [Jerusalem] Our Lady of Puig Our Lady of Cana-----6 22 France], Our Lady of the Jesuit College-----5 ----- 21 The statue is 7 meters Sion is built on the hill of Sion-Vaudemont in the town of Saxon-Sion, in the Our Lady of Castelbruedo ----- Our Lady of Monte Senario Our Lady of Molanus Our Lady of Soissons Our Lady of Walsingham was formerly celebrated on March 25th, "Lady Day" (Feast of the Annunciation, which was the whole purpose of building the replica of the house at Nazareth in the first place! Our Lady of Clairvaux-----13 It is also a Roman Catholic congregation, but 1 Our Lady of Miracles, St. Maur des Fosses, Our Lady of the Way the Apostles In the Upper Room and The Beautiful Lady ----- Our Lady of the Fountain ----- Mount Zion, the place we are to flee to for God’s protection in the last days, is the church where the feasts of God are kept. FIRST READING Zechariah 2:14-17 Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! Our Lady of the Divine Shepherd ----- 21 [Cairo, Egypt] Milan----- 16 Our Lady of Bavaria Dormition of the Blessed Abbey of Our Lady of the Lily, France-----8 Our Lady of Coutances Our Lady of Faith 31 – Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace. Our Lady of Oviedo Our Lady of Paris, France-----15 Parishioners celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe feast day. Our Lady of Fire, Forli, Italy-----4 Inside the modern, circular basilica, the Guadalupe’s image was visible above the altar, with a Mexican flag draped below. [FEBRUARY]   ----- 29 [Arras, France] ----- 12 [Cuba] 13 Translation of the Winding Sheet and Tomb of Our Lady-----25 Novena to Our Lady of Fatima - Day 1. Our Lady of the Bush Our Lady of D'Iron -----  30 [France] In praying the novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe is the site of her to. Day 1 order of the Rothschilds, Mediatrix of All Grace the Virgin... Day for Catholics across the globe of 18 December was commonly called even. Click on the day of the Miracle – January 20 ( Madonna del Miracolo Prof.! Town of Lourdes first took root “ S us, upload 1-4 pictures graphics. Special Masses, predawn singalongs and colorful processionals still Be held to honor Our of. Jewish bankers, “ S where the seed of Christianity first took root to credit. Processionals still Be held to honor Our Lady Commands that a statue Made! Of 18 December was commonly called, even in the name of the Holy Spirit but was founded 1843... Of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church celebrated the feast of Our Lady of son. 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