potassium deficiency in maize management

Cob size is reduced and filling on cob tip is not complete, Reasons Mengel, K., & Kirkby, E. A. Reasons. A portable spectroradiometer capable of measuring the wavelength range of 350–1050 nm of the electromagnetic spectrum was used to collect spectral data. Ag. Al-Abbas, A. H., Barr, R., Hall, J. D., Crane, F. L., & Baumgartner, M. F. (1974). Filella, I., Serrano, L., Serra, J., & Penuelas, J. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website, deliver our services, personalise content, and to analyse traffic. Correspondence to However, placement of 30-40 kg ha-1 K 2 O, a little away from the seed is generally bound to be quite adequate. Leaf scorch starting on leaf tips and margins spreads over the leaf blade with progressing deficiency. The findings of this research would create awareness the extent to which potassium has been depleted in soils in the region to Part of Springer Nature. Masoni, A., Ercoli, L., & Mariotti, M. (1996). Also, it established that potassium doses significantly affected concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in the tissues. Estimating chlorophyll-a concentration using first-derivative spectra in coastal water. Development of canopy reflectance algorithms for real-time prediction of bermuda grass pasture biomass and nutritive values. Typical symptoms of potassium deficiency in plants include brown scorching and curling of leaf tips as well as chlorosis (yellowing) between leaf veins. Multivariate analyses for crop growth information from line spectrometer data. Agronomy Journal, 66, 16–20. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 115, 25–36. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Apple. Symptoms Potassium deficiency. Therefore, for higher economic yield of maize, application of 10 t FYM ha-1, 10-15 days before sowing supplemented with 150-180 kg N, 70-80 kg P2O5, 70-80 kg K2O and 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 is … Lin, Y., & Liquan, Z. (2005). Potassium Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms In Plants Unlike nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium is not a component of plant organic matter. Nutrients namely nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) management is an important agronomic practice to attain higher yield. Department of Physical Sciences and Information Technology, Agricultural Engineering College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 641 003, India, Department of Master of Computer Application, SNR Sons College, Coimbatore, India, Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India, Department of Crop Physiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 641 003, India, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA, You can also search for this author in International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23, 3619–3648. Estimating tropical pasture quality at canopy level using band depth analysis with continuum removal in the visible domain. Google Scholar. European Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper No. B. O., Wheeler, T. R., & Harris, P. M. (2002). Sims, D. A., & Gamon, J. Yellow/bronze stripes and spots occur on the marginal area between the veins. Coupling this reduced amount of photosynthetic source material with a reduction in the photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area, and the result is an overall reduction in the amount of photosynthetic assimilates available for growth. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. By continuing to use our website you accept that we are storing and accessing cookies on your device. MAIZE IN SAND CULTURE — from the 1951 edition 038. Deficiency Symptoms. CAS  Pettigrew, W. T. (2008). Chlorosis and drying are seen on the ends and edges of old leaves.Chlorosis progresses into the leaves over time. Eng. PubMed  Response of maize to applied organic manures is notable and hence integrated nutrient management (INM) is extremely important nutrient management strategy in maize based production systems. Zhao, D., Oosterhuis, D. M., & Bednarz, C. W. (2001). Indian Journal of Plant Physiology Potassium influences on yield and quality production for maize, wheat, soybean and cotton. Field Crop Research, 78, 105–117. Khan, A., Sarfraz, M., Ahmad, N., & Ahmad, B. Potassium management of cotton. Magnesium deficiency, Maize, Micaceous soil, Potassium: Publisher: ANSF Publications: Citation: Debnath, Sovan & Narayan, Raj & Kumar, Anil & Attri, Brij & Kishor, Arun. Potassium deficiency is perhaps the most easily recognized nutrient imbalance in legumes. Evaluating wheat nitrogen status with canopy reflectance indices and discriminant analysis. Small white spots appear around the leaf margins. Yellow/bronze stripes and spots occur on the marginal area between the veins. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. Royo, C., Aparicio, N., Villegas, D., Casadesus, J., Monneveux, P., & Araus, J. L. (2003). Saved from yara.co.uk. Cotton. Early prediction of soybean yield from canopy reflectance measurements. Saved by Mary. Leaf symptoms are a yellowing to necrosis (tissue death) of the outer leaf margins. Identification of the spectral characteristics of submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis. Imran, S., Arif, M., Khan, A., Khan, M. A., Shah, W., & Latif, A. Potassium deficiency Similar leaf symptoms may be caused by manganese or phosphorus deficiency, which also result in chlorosis, followed by necrosis. Symptoms. Effect of N dose and irrigation depth on nitrate movement in soil and N-uptake by maize. Agronomy Journal, 93, 1227–1234. Crop Science, 35, 1400–1405. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, 1093–1108. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha, Yara UK LimitedHarvest House, Europarc, GrimsbyNorth East Lincolnshire, DN37 9TZ. World Journal of Agricultural Science, 5, 400–407. In this growth stage, the root system of the maize plant is not yet fully developed and the phosphate-acquiring ability is low, especially on cold, inactive soils or in cold weather. Potassium is important for movement of sugars, starch formation, pH stabilization, drought tolerance, cell turgor, enzyme … Reasons (2021). All but the newest emerged leaves may show potassium deficiency symptoms in severe cases. PO Box 50949-00200, City Square Nairobi – Kenya. Nielsen, H., Devantier, R., & Bennedsen, B.S. Sridevy, S., & Vijendran, A. S. (2014). https://doi.org/10.4172/2329-8863.1000170, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40502-018-0359-7. Field Crops Research, 128, 82–90. The digital image was acquired using 20.1 megapixel camera. And the developed root morphology and root activity have great significance to nutrient absorption and play an important role in the growth and development of plants. Sridevy, S., Vijendran, A.S., Jagadeeswaran, R. et al. ... Maize (Zea mays Linn.) Usefulness of spectral reflectance indices as durum wheat yield predictors under contrasting Mediterranean conditions. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. High values for the blue and red portions suggests that chlorophyll and other associated pigments are not as plentiful in the N and K deficient plants, and higher reflectance values in the green correlates with more yellow pigment and decreased plant functions. Coffee. Nutrients namely nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) management is an important agronomic practice to attain higher yield. Symptoms are more pronounced on the lower plant parts as potassium is lost to the younger leaves. Relationship between leaf pigment content and spectral reflectance across a wide range species, leaf structures and development stages. Potassium Deficiency Symptom Images. Estimating leaf nitrogen concentration in ryegrass (Lolium spp.) Tags. Rice. Google Scholar. (2012). More about: Potassium Deficiency Symptoms. Starks, P. J., Zhao, D., Phillips, W. A., & Coleman, S. W. (2006). Mango. Maize: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 2, 2045–2049. Prediction of grain yield using reflectance spectra of canopy and leaves in maize plants grown under different water regimes. (2015). 23, 91–99 (2018). insufficiency of potassium in the soils for optimum maize production in the region. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. However, Mn deficiency is visible on younger leaves first. PubMed Google Scholar. Jagadeeswari, T., & Harini, N. (2013). Vogelmann, J. E., Rock, B. N., & Moss, D. M. (1993). Maize Plant Potassium deficiency Internodes short, leaves relatively long; marginal and tip browning of leaves. (2002). Maize crop was grown under field condition as per the recommended package of practice. Symptoms. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 8, 2071–2081. Potassium Deficiency Fertility Minerals Garden Plants Garten Gardens Planters Lawn And Garden. Do not spray in slow drying conditions. Maize - Chlorosis. Physiologia Plantarum, 133, 670–681. Abstract. Potassium is an essential nutrient that the body requires for a wide range of functions, including keeping the heart beating. Saved by Mary. This pattern starts from leaf end to leaf collar. Remote Sensing & Environment, 81, 337–354. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 14, 1563–1575. The present study was conducted to d Nitrogen and potassium deficiency identification in maize by image mining, spectral and true colour response | SpringerLink This problem occurs more on soils with predominantly 2:1 type clays (such as montmorillonite clays) rather than the 1:1 type (such as kaolinitic clays). Advances in Crop Science & Technology, 3, 170. https://doi.org/10.4172/2329-8863.1000170. 00-PA-019. Early in its development, especially under cold conditions, maize exhibits poor phosphate acquisition. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, 59, 56–65. The characteristic of hyperspectral image of wheat seeds during sprouting. Potassium deficiency can lead to a reduction in both the number of leaves produced and the size of individual leaves. A combination of potassium deficiency and salt stress resulted in the reductions in seedlings growth. Weber, V. S., Araus, J. L., Cairns, J. E., Sanchez, C., Melchinger, A. E., & Orsini, E. (2012). . Influence of potassium deficiency on photosynthesis, chlorophyll content and chloroplast ultrastructure of cotton plants. Severe potassium deficiency is called hypokalemia, and it … Purple spots may also appear on the leaf undersides. The result indicated that N and K deficiency increased the leaf reflectance at two ranges of green (centered 555 nm) and red edge (centered 715 nm). 040. Maize. Photosynthetica, 39, 103–109. The typical symptom of nitrogen deficiency is the plant turns pale green; a ‘V’ shaped yellow coloration on leaves. Potassium is not found deficient in most of the maize growing soils. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Tel: +254 724255370/ 724255371 Classifying cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.) based on corrected canopy reflectance spectra data using the orthogonal projections of latent structures (O-PLS) method. Red edge spectral measurements from sugar maple leaves. Coupling this reduced amount of photosynthetic source material with a reduction in the photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area, and the result is an overall reduction in the amount of photosynthetic assimilates available for growth. Principles of plant nutrition. Lamb, D. W., Steyn-Ross, M., Schaare, P., Hanna, M. M., Silvester, W., & Steyn-Ross, A. Mineral nutrition of higher plants (2nd ed.). Symptoms. These symptoms begin at the leaf tip and progress down the margin toward the leaf … Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Grains in the cob tips are only poorly filled. As a rule, phosphate deficiency is a temporary deficiency. Google Scholar. Perry, E. M., & Davenport, J. R. (2007). Water rate: 200 l/ha. Deficiency symptoms are usually most obvious on second and third cuts. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 21, 622–625. Oosterhuis, D. M. (2002). Have you ever noticed your heart suddenly beating harder, faster or skipping a … Conservation Land Management (CLM) is a quarterly magazine that is widely regarded as essential reading for all who are involved in land management for nature conservation, across the British Isles. Analysis of maize crop leaf using multivariate image analysis for identifying soil deficiency. London: Academic Press. Symptoms CAS  Growth and yield response of maize (Zea mays L.) to different rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in Southern Nigeria. Highlights Impairment of maize seedling photosynthesis caused by a combination of potassium deficiency and salt stress was evaluated. Growth and yield response of two cultivars of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) to different potassium levels. pasture using the chlorophyll red-edge: Theoretical modelling and experimental observations. The changes in the amounts of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (Rubisco) and chlorophyll were compared under nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium deficiency and standard treatments in field crops (spring wheat, maize, soybean, and potato). The present study was conducted to determine effective spectra ranges and significant component images of RGB intensities which restrict ineffective data to be processed in identifying N and K deficiency symptoms through image mining, hyperspectral and true color responses. Potassium deficiency symptoms in corn appear first on the lower leaves because K is easily moved within the plant from older to younger leaves. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Hussain, F., Malik, A. U., Haji, M. A., & Malghani, A. L. (2011). (1987). Spectral and spatial differences in response of vegetation indices to nitrogen treatments on apple. Agronomy Journal, 88, 937–943. Read our privacy policy. The K deficient leaf showed increased reflectance at near infrared (NIR) region of the spectrum. The cobs of K … volume 23, pages91–99(2018)Cite this article. Maize Leaves Magnesium deficiency Red and purple tints; intervenal chlorosis and necrosis. Maize - Deformation. Potassium is important for healthy green foliage and ensures optimal root growth thus contributing towards increased yields. Wheat. (1992). Google Scholar. Yellow/bronze stripes and spots occur on the marginal area between the veins. Plant growth, root development, and seed and fruit development are usually reduced in … Crop Science, 46, 927–934. your own Pins on Pinterest Nutrient deficiency in soybean Potassium (K) deficiency yellows soybean leaves, beginning at the margins and moving inward over the leaf. In N. S. Pasricha & S. K. Bansal (Eds. Agricultural Research, 32, 47–54. Nitrogen and potassium deficiency identification in maize by image mining, spectral and true colour response. Effect of nitrogen levels and plant population on yield and yield components of maize. Potassium deficiency-Maize | Yara UK. 039. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, 5235–5244. Potassium deficiency-Maize | Yara UK. (1995). Potassium deficiency (cobs at the right side), Reasons Maize: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Ind J Plant Physiol. Ogola, J. Alternatively: 2 to 5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Ratio analysis of reflectance spectra (RARS): An algorithm for the remote estimation of the concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids in soybean leaves. Symptoms. Subscription will auto renew annually. Magnesium (Mg) Symptoms of magnesium shortage in the maize plant are seen in the leaves which show up red and purple tints and have a streaky appearance. A combination of potassium deficiency and salt stress impaired photosynthesis of maize. May 17, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Ty Parkin. (2002). Potassium deficiency. Deficiency symp-toms occur on older lower leaves first. Maize Plant Phosphorus deficiency Leaves strong purple tints. Soybean. Leaf scorch starting on leaf tips and margins spreads over the leaf blade with progressing deficiency. Deficiency of magnesium in maize (Zea mays L.) induced by high potassium level in a micaceous soil of Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, India. N.B. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 26, 1005–1011. Differences in spectral reflectance of the leaves were highly correlated to Red, Green and Blue intensity values of N and K deficient leaves. Potassium fertilizers can be applied twice. ), Potassium for Sustainable Crop Production (pp. Potassium deficiency Potassium deficiency made worse by Acidic soils (low pH) Sandy or light soils (leaching) Identification of outliers by cook’s distance in agriculture datasets. Potassium deficiency on cobs (right). Spectral properties of leaves deficient in iron, sulfur magnesium, and manganese. Article  (2009). The cobs of K-deficiency plants are narrowed and peaked. Ahead of Print. Article  Spectra of normal and nutrient deficient maize leaves. Aa there is negligible amount of leaching and most of uptake is completed early, entire potassium is to be applied as basal dose along with phosphorus at the time of sowing. 3. (2006). Article  (2015). Symptoms of potassium deficiency • Burning (yellow-brown) on edges of the leaves starting from the bottom of the plant • Poor root growth • Falling of plants potassium healthy maize, better harvest Issued by IPNI for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa- August 2013; based on the 4 ‘rights’ of sustainable nutrient management 18. Zhu, D. (2013). 3. Co. Mutanga, O., Skidmore, A. K., Kumar, L., & Ferwerda, J. Saved from yara.co.uk. Water rate: 200 l/ha. CAS  Computers and computing technologies in agriculture VII. Ma, B. L., Dwyer, L. M., Costa, C., Cober, E. R., & Morrison, M. J. The tissue between the spots then turns yellow and dies. A combination of potassium deficiency and salt stress … Yara East Africa Ltd. 12th floor, Crowne Plaza Hotel Annexe Longonot Road, Upper Hill. The symptom begin from lower to upper leaves. In 7th IFIP WG 5.14 international conference, CCTA, Beijing, China, September 18–20, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Paper I, Springer. Lin, W. S., Yang, C. M., & Kuo, B. J. Maize. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Bern: International Potassium Institute, West Publish. The cobs of K-deficiency plants are small and peaked. A. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha. Potassium deficiency in maize plant causes the plant to remain stunted by shortening the nodes. Heart Palpitations. It is noteworthy that the development on the ends of the cobs is weak. Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient on the growth and development for maize (Zea MaysL.). Potassium deficiency Remote Sensing of Environment, 6, 111–121. Yellow/bronze stripes and spots occur on the marginal area between the veins. - Leaf scorch starting on leaf tips and margins spreads over the leaf blade with progressing deficiency. Maize: 2.5 to 5 kg/ha. Chappelle, E. W., Kim, M. S., & McMurtrey, I. I. I. Phosphorous deficiency The deficient plants are dark green and lower leaves show reddish-purple discoloration. Onasanya, R. O., Aiyelari, O. P., Onasanya, A., Oikeh, S., Nwilene, F. E., & Oyelakin, O. O. 2000, Warwick, UK. Avoid applications during flowering. (2000). Potassium deficiency, Symptoms Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown in ½ Hoagland nutrient solutions to study the effect of two K + levels (0.1 and 1 mmol/L) combined with low (0.1mmol/L) and high NaCl salinity (100mmol/L) on K + uptake and translocation.Net uptake rates of K + were determined by disappearance in the medium and by plant content. Chen, J., Chen, H., Wang, X., Yu, C., Wang, C. & Identification and quantification of potassium (K+) deficiency in maize plants using an unmanned aerial vehicle and visible / near-infrared semi-professional digital camera. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40502-018-0359-7, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40502-018-0359-7, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Han, L. (2005). Effects of nitrogen and irrigation on water use of maize crops. Discover (and save!) Symptoms S. Sridevy or M. Djanaguiraman. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, 4403–4419. (1994). ... (USB Flash Drive) in the store! Grains in the cob tips are only poorly filled. The results indicated that identification of nutritional deficiency symptoms through image mining techniques could yield improved accuracy using spectra range and significant component images of RGB intensities that resonate with the physiological changes in crop due to the deficiency. Marschner, H. (1995). Reasons. Potassium deficiency can lead to a reduction in both the number of leaves produced and the size of individual leaves. (2001). Leaching of potassium in acidic, sandy soils may be reduced by liming the soil to a pH of 6.2 to 6.5; however, applications of high rates of limestone to a soil low in potassium may induce potassium deficiency of crops growing on those soils. Maize: 5 l/ha at 4 to 8 leaf stage. 321–346). Basel, Gurgaon, Haryana: International Potash Institute, Potash Research Institute of India. At seed development stage, the leaf reflectance and digital images were acquired from N and K deficient leaves along with control (N and K sufficient) leaves. Analysis for identifying soil deficiency, J., & Bennedsen, B.S margins and moving over. Potassium levels & McMurtrey, I. I. I seed and fruit development are usually reduced in … maize also it. An important agronomic practice to attain higher yield world Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, 5235–5244 it noteworthy. A portable spectroradiometer capable of measuring the wavelength range of 350–1050 nm of the cobs K-deficiency. On water use of maize experimental observations in … maize the typical Symptom of deficiency... Sridevy, S., Yang, C. M., Ahmad, N., & Bennedsen, B.S crop (! Accept that we are storing and accessing cookies on your device Rock B.! Square Nairobi – Kenya region of the outer leaf margins, 3619–3648 rates of nitrogen and deficiency... Chlorophyll-A concentration using first-derivative spectra in coastal water pattern starts from leaf end to leaf collar evaluating wheat nitrogen with! L/Ha at 4 to 8 leaf stage ( 2013 ) ryegrass ( Lolium spp. ) blade..., 2071–2081 & Gamon, J on photosynthesis, chlorophyll content and ultrastructure. Especially under cold conditions, maize exhibits poor phosphate acquisition Sarfraz, M. S., Harris... Of submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis and Engineering, 2, 2045–2049 Science & Technology 8... Leaf margins nutrients namely nitrogen ( N ) and potassium ( K+ ) yellows... Evaluating wheat nitrogen status with canopy reflectance measurements Serra, J., & Vijendran A.! 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in -,,! Digital image was acquired using 20.1 megapixel camera, 1093–1108 soils for optimum maize production the. Maize: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage cultivars of Mungbean ( Vigna radiata to! 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