Compound Sentences with “subject to approval” A compound sentence with “subject to approval” contains at least two independent clauses. approval rating remained above 50 percent throughout the year. The audience has expressed its approval: 5. (f) To present, if expedient, to the governments, for their approval, measures for the protection of the common interests of agriculturists and for the improvement of their condition, after having previously taken every means of obtaining the necessary information, e.g. At the end of 1851 an important event took place, which ended a long-standing grievance on the part of the queen, in Lord Palmerston's dismissal from the office of foreign secre- The tary on account of his expressing approval of Louis Napoleon's coup d'etat in Paris. The assembly is summoned on all critical occasions, and its approval is the ultimate sanction. a state or city to submit a proposition to all the registered voters of the state (or city) for their approval. For this resolution he is often abused still by historians, and at the time he had the approval of hardly any one out of Prussia. upon admission. O'Connell steadily supported Lord Melbourne's government, gave it valuable aid in its general measures, and repeatedly expressed his cordial approval of its policy in advancing Irish Catholics to places of trust and power in the state, though personally he refused a high judicial office. Markdown is not currently supported for GCC and GCC High customers. Then finally she discovered (December 13) at the time of the coup d'etat, that he had, of his own initiative, given assurances of approval to Count Walewski, which were not in accord with the views of the cabinet and with the "neutrality which had been enjoined" by the queen. Amendments are adopted after approval by a majority vote of the lower house of the general assembly, a two-thirds majority of both houses of the next general assembly, and ratification by the townships. Shouts of approval were heard from the crowd around, and at the same moment a mounted patrol of French uhlans appeared from round the corner. n. 1. There were a few expressions of approval. In circumstances where it is not possible to satisfactorily mitigate adverse effects, approval or financial support should not be given. Unfortunately, Grey's views did not meet with the - approval of the British government.'. 2111381 They approve. He returned home in 1834 broken in health, but succeeded in securing the approval of his church for his educational plans, and also in arousing much interest in the work of foreign missions. There were a few expressions of approval. The audience has expressed its approval. I'll inform Ne'Rin you've approval to continue. She desperately wanted to win her father's approval: 6. The Scottish commissioners in England, with Lauderdale, and with the approval of Hamilton's faction, signed, at the end of 1647, " The Engagement " with Charles, and broke away from the tyranny of the preachers. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The majority cite with approval a 1956 report of the World Council of Churches dealing with improper proselytism. diffuser design for maximum service life Highest Human Ergonomics approval rating Washable black cover c/w zippered back for filter replacement. Stepniak constantly wrote and lectured, both in Great Britain and the United States, in support of his views, and his energy, added to the interest of his personality, won him many friends. I need to write a powerful resume to gain approbation from an employer. Such rhetoric and policies can only be regarded by the extremist right as giving approvalto their own xenophobia and racism. An amendment may be submitted to the people at the next general election by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to each house of the legislature, and only a majority of the electors voting thereon is required for approval. Sentence examples for upon your approval from inspiring English sources. CM 24179 After tying up loose ends on the house, the carpenter gave the painter approvalto begin work. 20 examples: The variables are also measured on a 1-to-5-scale approval rating (5 being the… 2. The director-general was formally appointed by the Company subject to the approval of the States-General, but the Amsterdam Chamber and the College of Nineteen supervised his administration. Regulations for bringing the act into operation were issued by the governor-general in council, with the approval of the secretary of state, in November 1909. 1880), who succeeded as 21st chief of Bikanir with the approval of the government. This was tolerated with approval by men who repeated Leo X. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In the preface to it he took occasion to express his approval of Louis Napoleon's coup d'etat of the 2nd of December, - " a fortunate crisis which has set aside the parliamentary system and instituted a dictatorial republic.". A roar of approval resounded through the Ukrainian parliament: 11. These various circumstances, and many more, had given rise to distrust and uneasiness in the cabinet, and these feelings reached their climax when Palmerston, on the occurrence of the coup d'etat by which Louis Napoleon made himself master of France, expressed to the French ambassador in London, without the concurrence of his colleagues, his personal approval of that act. accepting something as good or satisfactory, Most sons desire the approval of their father in some way, trying to earn their respect and admiration. His application for a U.S. visa has finally been approved. they attained their end, the regent of Syria conceded the measure of toleration they required with the approval of Rome; and in 164 B.C. It was no secret that this action of the Arminians was taken with the approval and connivance of the advocate, who was what was styled a libertine, i.e. To illustrate the vague use of the word in modern diplomacy may be quoted the description of suzerainty given by Lord Kimberley, which Mr Chamberlain in the correspondence as to South Africa mentioned with approval: " Superiority over a state possessing independent rights of government subject to reservations with reference to certain specified matters " (18 99 [C. 9 0 57], p. 28). Lothair, however, came to Rome in person, and took advantage of this opportunity to redress many abuses in the papal administration, to vest the election of the pope in the nobles, and to confirm the statute that no pope should be consecrated until his election had the approval of the emperor. The chief burgomaster (Oberburgermeister) is nominated by the emperor for twelve years, and the second burgomaster must receive the emperor's approval. The old theory that referred this approval entirely to self-love, is, he holds, easy to disprove by " crucial experiments " on the play of our moral sentiments; rejecting this, he finds the required explanation in the sympathetic pleasure that attends our perception of the conduciveness of virtue to the interests of human beings other than ourselves. The bishops' Interpretations and Further Considerations, issued in 1560, tolerated a lower vestiarian standard than was prescribed by the rubric of 1559; the Advertisements, which Parker published in 1566, to check the Puritan descent, had to appear without specific royal sanction; and the Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum, which Foxe published with Parker's approval, received neither royal, parliamentary nor synodical authorization. The general election of 1882 turned chiefly upon endorsement of the national policy of protection; in that of 1887 the electoral test was again applied to the same issue, while Sir John Macdonald also asked for approval of the government's action in exacting from Riel the full penalty of his guilt. Each project has a clock which records the time from project inception through to approval, giving you valuable management information. commendare, to entrust to the charge of, or to procure a favour for), approval, especially when expressed to one person on behalf of another, a recommendation. approval sentence in English. However his own particular interpretations may have been condemned, they were conceived in essentially the same spirit as the general scheme of thought afterwards elaborated in the 13th century with approval from the heads of the church. ' High quality example sentences with “subject to your approval” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. He subdued Tibet proper and Kham, for the continued possession of which he was, however, compelled to fight for several years; but he succeeded in the long run, and with the approval of the court of Peking established a dynasty which furnished twelve rulers in succession. With their approval a bishop was again consecrated, after six years' interval (1881-1887), for the Anglican congregations in Jerusalem and the East; and the features which had made the plan objectionable to many English churchmen were now abolished. Directly and indirectly, therefore, the administration of all these political divisions is in the hands of the president, who, in like manner, makes and controls the appointments of all judicial functionaries, subject, however, to receiving recommendations of candidates from the courts and to submitting appointments to the approval of the council of state. His efforts as constitutional king were paralysed by the rivalry between the various Spanish factions, but with the approval of his father he rejected all idea of a coup d'etat. Most sons desire the approval of their father in some way, trying to earn their respect and admiration. . 17846 With your approval, I would like to offer him the job. However, execs said that Solaris 10 also contains third-party code for which the company will need approval to make open-source. Three of the original thirteen have their judges elected by the legislatures, and in five others, together with Maine and Mississippi among the newer states, they are appointed by the governor, subject to the approval of the executive council, the Senate, or (in Connecticut) the General Assembly. The "On to Richmond" appeal, which appeared day after day in The Tribune, was incorrectly attributed to him, and it did not wholly meet his approval; but after the defeat in the first battle of Bull Run he was widely blamed for it. The president, however, is empowered to deny admission into the country of foreigners engaged in special religious work not meeting his approval. Favorable regard; commendation. The bishop of Rome claimed for his legates the right to preside, and insisted that any act that failed to receive their approval would be invalid. His peculiar fashion of attacking the popular beliefs of his time has also failed to secure the approval of some who had very little sympathy with those beliefs. 2. The French municipality is worked on similar lines, except that every vote and every disbursement of money is subject to the approval of the French consul-general. The college of mines, at Houghton, was established in 1885 and is under the control of a board of six members appointed by the governor with the approval of the Senate, two every two years. to gain approval. Originally the ECR had obtained Parliamentary approval to raise the capital to build a railroad from London to Norwich via Ipswich. The old prince used to approve of them for their endurance at work when they came to Bald Hills to help with the harvest or to dig ponds, and ditches, but he disliked them for their boorishness. Trajan in his reply (Epp. By virtue of Poyning's Act, a celebrated statute of Henry VII., all proposed Irish legislation had to be submitted to the English privy council for its approval under the great seal of England before being passed by the Irish parliament. But at the head of the whole taxing system is the board of state tax commissioners and ex officio state board of assessors, consisting of three members appointed by the governor with the approval of the senate for a term of six years. Cash associated with excess appropriations in aid may, however, be applied against an excess cash requirement, pending its approval. Approval sentence examples. It was transformed, with the strong approval of all its chief members and the consent of the rest, into a Fourierist "phalanx" in 1845. He stopped to talk to several, checked a few weapons with nods of approval, and patted the younger ones on the back. With Robespierre's approval St Just sketched at this time the plan of an ideal society in which. These constitutions also allow a prescribed number of voters to demand that a law passed by the state legislature, or an ordinance passed by the municipal authority, be submitted to all the voters for their approval. considered (1849), a defence of the clergy of the 17th century, which received the approval of Mr Gladstone, against the strictures of Macaulay. He received kudos of approval from the intelligentsia. After a pirouette of approval, she sat on the edge of the bed. After Marshal Campos had failed to pacify Cuba, the Conservative government of Canovas del Castillo sent out Weyler, and this selection met the approval of most Spaniards, who thought him the proper man to crush the rebellion. (personally, really, completely, fully) " Our proposal was formally approved today. ‘It didn't get the official stamp of approval again until 1926, when the university senate and principal gave the procession a cautious thumbs-up.’ ‘The big news this week is that the planners have given the official stamp of approval for the new community facility in the fields opposite Marshallstown houses.’ He decided to expedite product approval with little or no regard for safety. These benefices are filled by appointments from lists of three prepared by the council of state and sent to Rome by the president, and in the case of an archbishop or bishop the appointment must also receive the approval of the Senate. In 1849 the legislature passed a free-school bill subject to the approval of the people. It isn’t “in principal approval” — it’s actually “decided to grant approval” and the “in principle” is positioned badly to indicate the nature of the decision. She responds quickly to the gentle pressure of affection, the pat of approval, the jerk of impatience, the firm motion of command, and to the many other variations of the almost infinite language of the feelings; and she has become so expert in interpreting this unconscious language of the emotions that she is often able to divine our very thoughts. Additionally, the Governance area allows you to record important events ranging from receipt of R&D form through to ethics approval. approval synonyms, approval pronunciation, approval translation, English dictionary definition of approval. The former, while accepting utility as the criterion of " material goodness," had adhered to Shaftesbury's view that dispositions, not results of action, were the proper object of moral approval; at the same time, while giving to benevolence the first place in his account of personal merit, he had shrunk from the paradox of treating it as the sole virtue, and had added a rather undefined and unexplained train of qualities, - veracity, fortitude, activity, industry, sagacity, - immediately approved in various degrees by the " moral sense " or the " sense of dignity.". But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The president-elect accordingly undertook with the full approval of Dr Moraes, who was still in office, the task of visiting Europe with the object of endeavouring to make an arrangement with the creditors of the state for a temporary suspension of payments. His mind gradually turned from belief in the efficacy of violent measures to the acceptance of constitutional methods; and in his last book, King Stork and King Log, he spoke with approval of the efforts of politicians on the Liberal side to effect, by argument and peaceful agitation, a change in the attitude of the Russian government towards various reforms. 4. It still is awaiting approval to market the drug for angina. A committee appointed to discuss the matter suggested that there should be a directory of three members, appointed by the German governments, subject to the approval of the parliament, and ruling by means of ministers responsible to the latter body. CK 1 2235659 Did Tom approve? The report details the prudential indicators prescribed by the Code and these indicators prescribed by the Code and these indicators are submitted for approval. Probably it was also usual for them to signify their approval of a proposal by the clash of their arms, as was the practice among the Scandinavian peoples. The role of the external moderator is to ensure that: The program operates according to the submission agreed by the approval process. use "awaiting approval " in a sentence The new drug is awaiting approval by the FTA before it can be prescribed. AUGURS, in ancient Rome, members of a religious college whose duty it was to observe and interpret the signs (auspices) of approval or disapproval sent by the gods in reference to any proposed undertaking. The judges and solicitor-general are appointed by the president with the approval of the senate, but the tribunal chooses its own presiding officers and secretaries and, nominally, is independent of executive control. 1. uncountable noun [oft with poss] If you win someone's approval for something that you ask for or suggest, they agree to it. subject to approval in a sentence - Use "subject to approval" in a sentence 1. This step was taken with the approval of the pope, who was anxious to strike a blow at Otto IV. His eyes expressed approval and the thin lips twitched in what she had grown to accept as a smile - fleeting as it was. A state civil service commission (1883) consists of three members (not more than two of the same political party) appointed by the governor with the approval of the Senate. CK 1 2244883 Am I approved? seekC Accounts At the CTC AGM in April the Board sought approval from members on the continuing auditing of the CTC accounts. With my mother's approbation, I can sleep over at your house. Rod Serling : Submitted for Your Approval. He has left it to Primrose to handle the business; he can have his companion if he secures the papal nuncio 's approval. This requires shareholder approval, which in turn requires the production of a circular. CK 1 2649006 It was approved. The ministries are those of the interior, finance, public works, justice, war, foreign affairs and public instruction,1 and in each of these are prepared the drafts of decrees, which are then submitted to the council of ministers for approval, and on being signed by the khedive become law. accepting something as good or satisfa. Pepys, a far more trustworthy judge, speaks of him invariably in terms of respect and approval as a " grave, serious man," and commends his appointment as treasurer of the navy as that of " a very notable man and understanding and will do things regular and understand them himself.". There was a cry of approval. If considered practicable the suggestions will be forwarded to the H.T. recommended the approval of TC program funding for 2004. recommended for approval by both Greenwich and Newham boroughs. The proposal was accepted with unanimous approval: 21. prudential indicators for approval by the MPA. For example, UK approval of genetically altered soya was based solely on safety data collected by Monsanto who produce the product. Ordinary amendments are proposed by a three-fifths majority in each house, and are also subject to popular approval. He was invited to come to Brussels, and after some hesitation, and not without having first obtained the approval of the states of Holland and Zeeland, he assented. jurists of this school made much of the story of Salman, tho not of the alleged approval of the Prophet. Express Yourself in Better Ways with Brand New Sentence Checker The free online grammar checker is the dream of any student and professional writer. There are the usual administrative boards whose members are appointed by the mayor, some of them with the approval of the board of aldermen, though the board of school directors is elected by direct popular vote. Subsequently he laid his protest before the Massachusetts General Court which voted its approval of his action. As early as 1155 he had asked and obtained the approval of Pope Adrian IV., the only Englishman who ever sat upon the papal throne, for a scheme for the conquest of Ireland. Idiom: on approval … This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Zifre 318123 When Tobita gives a plan his seal of approval, the client accepts it at first glance. Railway, street railway, telegraph and telephone franchises can be granted only by the Executive Council with the approval of the governor, and none can be operative until it has been approved by the President of the United States. Gothicus (2 70), Aurelian was proclaimed his successor with the universal approval of the soldiers. The governor currently has an approval rating of almost 60%. The choice of most of these was given to the people in 1846, but since then many new state departments have been created, the heads of which are usually appointed by the governor, subject to the approval of the Senate. sentence with Approvals. conveyancing lawyer sent a draft contract for approval. A renewal will run from the expiry date of the current approval. From this point onwards he invested heavily in the area with the full approval of the town council. expended only with the approval of the Executive Council. Use "approval" in a sentence. Members of boards of regents or trustees of state institutions are for the most part elected by the General Assembly; railway commissioners are elected by the state electors; while in the case of the few appointments left for the governor, the recommendation or approval of the executive council, a branch of the legislature, or of some board, is usually required. murmurs of approval Elder Statesman: Gentlemen, we shall send out immediate notification to the original cast. solicitor-general of the republic. In 1697 the Barrier Act was passed, which provides that any act which is to be binding on the church is to come before the assembly as an overture and to be transmitted to presbyteries for their approval. precognition teams to keep, or do you have them on approval? The Dean's ages—both forty—and the financial limitations of their new business would make obtaining court approval difficult. 3. awaiting approval in a sentence - Use "awaiting approval" in a sentence 1. He was already taunted with being an Imperialist, but his independent attitude won public approval. Top of Page Summary of these two needs The need for social approval has the emotional dynamic of jealousy (self-pity mode ). There were still, however, about a dozen free republics, most of them with aristocratic government, and it was in these that reforming movements met with most approval and support. Alex recovered quickly and looked at Carmen, a glint of humor and approval in his eyes. Big weekend for the Blues Council traveler stance ` unlawful ' hotel revamp fails to win approval Politicians reject proposal for Lidl.. . 50. Maximilian, after some difficulty as to renouncing his right of succession to the throne of Austria, accepted the crown Maximilian subject to the approval of the Mexican people, and Emperor, reached Mexico city on the 12th of June 1864. Little is known of him before he became consul in 97, except that he proposed a law regulating the expenses of the table, which met with general approval. For as nature manifests the substance of the many to subsist as one and the same, so the attitude of love produces in the many an unity and sameness of will which is manifested by unity and sameness of approval and well-pleasingness.". Examples of 'approval' in a sentence A call to Leland Anderson on Memorial day secured his superior's approval to move up his vacation from July—when he'd planned to bike in Iowa and since canceled—to June. Deprivation, or imprisonment for more than two months, requires the approval of the king (ib.). Examples of Approval in a sentence. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Without his approval, also, no order or resolution of either House, other than to adjourn or relating solely to the business of the assembly, can take effect until passed again by a two-thirds vote as in case of a bill. Schemes that accredit landlords usually require them to submit all of their properties within the boundaries of the scheme for approval. He looked her up and down in approval from his position leaning against the wall nearby. Mazzini's approval, from Genoa, and landed at Sapri in Calabria, where he hoped to raise the flag of revolution; but. North Carolina, bills passed by the two houses must be submitted to the state governor for his approval. irrevocable trust is a necessity for exempt approval of a group pension scheme. , I wasn’t sure if my proposal for a project was a good one, but my teacher quickly gave me a nod of approval before moving on. The announcement follows the EU's approval at the end of July for the disbursement of $ 61 million for post-flood reconstruction. Approval of the Big Wigs. Aristotle, who speaks highly of the sincerity of Eudoxus's convictions, while giving a qualified approval to his arguments, considers him wrong in not distinguishing the different kinds of pleasure and in making pleasure the summum bonum. In accordance with the Enabling Act, which received the president's approval on the 22nd of February 1889, a constitutional convention met at Bismarck on the 4th of July following, and drafted a frame of government for the state of North Dakota. An amendment to the constitution to be adopted must be approved by a majority of the members elected to each house of the general assembly in two successive legislatures and then, at least three months after the second approval of the general assembly, by a majority of the popular vote cast on the adoption of the amendment. 7. But on the 23rd of January, Murray was shot dead, in the street of Linlithgow, by a Hamilton, with the approval and aid of Archbishop Hamilton and other heads of the house. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Philip II., with full approval of the Spanish nation, pursued the same policy in an even stricter spirit. On 15th November 1577 Drake, with the approval of Queen Elizabeth 1, set out from Plymouth Sound with his small flotilla. The new practice was received at first with contempt and even ridicule, and afterwards by Stoll and Peter Frank with only grudging approval. use Approval in a sentence. In accordance with the Enabling Act, which received the President's approval on the 22nd of February 1889, a convention met at Sioux Falls on the 4th of the following July and re-adopted, with some slight verbal changes, the constitution of 1885. 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