cats vs dogs argument

I know haven't been eating enough. Many cats appreciate the attention but a cat will not suffer if it does not receive constant attention. Or any of the other checks for that matter. Olivia, Rochdale, England. I will never understand this. I've known a cat that requires walking and a dog that regularly takes a dump on the floor as part of its daily routine, so no behavior is sacred. "People waste their time pondering whether a glass is half empty or half full. The Cat-vs.-Dog IQ Debate Revisited. That doesn't make my cactus a better pet than your cat. 15 Cats are independent. Getting a dog would be a mistake, but getting a cat never is. Here’s what we have to say about the two furry creatures—and by the end of this article, you can reach a conclusion on your own. This IQ debate has been raising the hackles of dog and cat lovers for decades, if not centuries. And 58 per cent felt their pooch made a better pet. Cats and dogs are both wonderful companions, and a wonderful addition to any family. Argument 1 Topic sentence Supporting sentences Furthermore dogs are strong animals that will protect us. We, as cat people, clearly stand on the side of cat owners and lovers! Cats versus dogs: the pros and cons of each Heather O'Brien. Dogs and cats are very different animals and they have different attitudes, needs, and […] Dogs can be taught tricks and commands while cats aren’t really about that life. Short Essay on Cat vs. Dog for students. Wasnt sure what happens if you pass it. We all love who and what we love because we're unique, and that's a lot better than choosing a winner. There are many shelters in Australia where you can adopt a dog or a cat, Petfinder has a directory of adoption groups within the country, or you could look up your local RSPCA for a new best friend. Do you have a kid begging for a pet? Dogs need daily exercise (this can also be a pro) and a lot of their owner’s attention. 1. These are eight statistics to read before you text and drive because they'll change how you view your time on the road. You're driving to the grocery store when your phone buzzes in your pocket. As you move into the body of your essay, set out each point one-by-one. There can be no argument of the superiority of dogs. Now, some people are claiming they are the best pet to own. Plus they are high maintenance. Dogs can be more difficult to house train than cats, and it can be a lengthy project from beginning to end. I’ll start off by saying that I have never owned a dog. I have 55+ int and am failing the int check. A cat, however, doesn't need the attention of its owner. The very fact that dogs engender such love from their owners that they are willing to Dr o so much for them proves the superiority of the animal. As a result, dogs require routine bathing and grooming, which can get very expensive if you take your dog to the groomer. 1. (Plus, as an added bonus, we get a some good clever uses out of kitty litter.) A dog will practically slip into a depression if its owner doesn't give it enough attention. As Valentine's Day approaches, I realized that it's the first Valentine's Day I have had with my boyfriend that we're more than 6,000 miles apart. share. On the other hand, most dogs will instinctively protect their owners and their territory. Dogs are loyal and help humans and love to play with you no matter what and they will always love you and play with you,and they will love you and wait for you at your door if you are on vacation,so in conclusion dogs are better than cats!! This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Ultimately, does it really matter where the affection comes from if it makes you happy? I am a dog person but care for cats just as much :) Learn why it's better to avoid distracted driving so you don't become one of these statistics this year: Even at my lowest, the number on the scale never seemed low enough... but was it ever worth the risk of losing my life? Good quality dog food can be expensive – particularly for large dogs that need to eat a lot. You have to walk them, let them in and out, and cannot leave them alone overnight much less a weekend. Each will try to argue why their pet is best, yet a consensus is never reached. Dogs-- An Age-Old Debate. While there’s nothing wrong with a bit of teasing, the reality is that both make great pets, and “taking a side” just means you’re missing out on some great animals. Dogs love to play (and work) While you can play with some cats, nothing measures up to the sheer, infectious joy your dog shows for playtime. It's not really an argument but a personal preference. Opinions; October 28, 2015. There has always been an age-old controversy over which animal makes a better pet: cats or dogs. Cats Vs Dogs: Why Cats Make Better Pets The ongoing argument of which animal makes a better pet has been around for many years. I decided I didn't need the extra helping, so I went to bed and the guacamole went bad. Moreover, a dog’s sense of smell can also save lives . Some even argue they should not be kept as domestic animals because they're natural born killers. We text all the time, so it's no surprise you may find yourself wanting to pick up your phone even when you're driving. Some cats are assholes. 1) I agree with the statement you have made through my first argument that we can't view this topic through stereotypical animals. They can do their thing (eat, sleep, play, poop) all day and night inside, and can be left alone for the weekend (if given access to enough noms and water). I had no trouble finding that information but couldn't dig up the same statistics on cats. Why dogs are better than cats Dogs are often called “man’s best friend” and make ideal pets. When they show you attention, it is true affection. Any animal will suck up to you if you just take care of them. Just like diamonds are a girl's best friend, so are pearls, rubies, gold, emeralds, and any type of luxurious jewelry you can get your hands on! Also, this. Cats vs. So if you are currently looking to purchase jewelry for yourself or as a romantic gift for your S.O., you should definitely look at the marvelous and ornately designed Lane Woods Jewelry collection. This may or may not appeal to everyone, but Psyramics makes a pretty good argument for cats in just one sentence: Guess how many times I've had to walk my cat this winter? Both dogs and cats are the most common pets for people to own. Although kind of a strange argument for favoring a pet, as it wouldn't have these skills, Edmond_Dantes mentions that dogs do a lot to help humans in a variety of ways: Let me go get my seeing eye cat or my cat that can smell early stages of cancer. Others think dogs will love just about anything and it's meaningless, while cats will give affection when they really love you. Some people go for a bird, snake, or rodent as pet. Blog. She wants nothing, and demands nothing, and gives nothing.". Atchoum, 2, was adopted by a groomer in Quebec and has a rare congenital condition called hypertricosis (also known as werewolf syndrome), … Despite this, cats are very intelligent and are believed to have much longer memories than dogs. Dogs provide an active lifestyle for an owner. "The Golden Girls" created history when it first premiered in 1985 setting the stage of strong-willed female characters who are aging gracefully with dignity. Cats don't require regular grooming sessions like dogs do. When you come home to a dog, it's Beatlemania. › why-cats-are-better-than-dogs-554880 Because we don't have enough information, it's difficult to draw even a speculative conclusion on which animal is naturally more violent and less safe to have in a home. According to Wikipedia, 4.5 and 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, 38 resulting in death in 2012. Here are three arguments why dogs make better companions and three arguments why felines as pets are the “cat’s pajamas.” Why Dogs Make Better Companions than Cats . Still, the work you put into a pet doesn't necessarily diminish its appeal, as odiekevin points out: We've previously mentioned that kitty litter does the trick when you wande-stink smelly shoes or…, Guess how many times I've had to walk my cactus? Not only will they stop thieves, but they will also guard against fire. 20 comments. Houses with dogs are considered much safer than even those with burglar alarms. Most people, however, decide on the more common four-legged creatures like a dog or cat. I think that fact pretty much settles it. And dogs usually win paws-down. Also, justagigilo85 points out that dogs won't actually treat you like the leader of the pack just because you walk on two legs: If you're not a good dog owner (your dog thinks he is the pack leader of your house), not only is he not sucking up to you, but he won't bother listening to you. Whereas cats will typically run off and hide at the first sense of danger, dogs will stay around out of duty and loyalty, protecting and defending you against any threats to your safety. You instinctively reach to check it, but it can wait until you park. Regardless of whether you've left the house for three months or a three minutes, the second you walk through that door you know a big ol' waggy-tailed love fest is headed your way. Cats and dogs are both cute and lovely, no doubt about that. New … One type of animal is never really going to be able to best another. I looked down at my thumb today. Tomemos algunos detalles del comportamiento particular de cada animal: This thread is archived. Maybe its because Taylor Swift decided to buy like 9 cats and then post all of them on her Instagram. They rarely have patience for your antics, so when they do, it’s insanely hilarious! Either way, when you get a pet you're bringing an animal into your home that isn't necessarily predisposed to be there and that will always involve some level of risk. Cats make more than 100 different sounds whereas dogs make around 10. Just because someone has always had a dog doesn’t mean that they won’t love owning a cat just as much. Tusk_Luv. But on average, dogs definitely require more walks several times per day while cats only need an emptied litter box a couple of times per weeks. for 9th grade assignment. Since this is CatVills, kitties rule the roost over here. That means, for the sake of this side of the argument, cats rule. Dogs love stuff that smells bad—from garbage, to dead animals, to poop—and they really love to roll around in it. Cats, for some weird reason, have become more popular than ever before. Some dogs are assholes. As justagigolo85 reminds us, you can have both: I love my dog and my cat. Here, EMMA COX reveals what else the show, on BBC2 next Thursday night, It is officially the spring semester, and you know what that means: lots and lots of studying. Cats vs. Nov. 21, 2020. Now keep in mind, I am only making these observations off of animals I have had experience with. They'll bark or growl to alert you to the presence of strangers, and many will even scare off intruders. The unending rivalry between dogs and cats won't end today, but thanks to your debate we're going to at least find out which pet bests the other in a variety of categories. I told everyone I would get all my vitamins and calories in. 1. If you want a little buddy that adores you and wants to partake in your life all the time, get a dog. Now, in a perfect world, I wouldn’t choose between the two — I would have both. Dogs' brains, in fact, have been continually growing while cats' brains have remained virtually unchanged since they were first domesticated approximately 8,000 years ago, according to a recent study at Oxford University.The reason: Dogs are more social than cats, and the more social the animal, the bigger the brain, and, therefore, the smarter the animal. Some people are like my boyfriend and would live in a zoo if the option ever presented itself. But dogs need to be put in kennels and looked after by another person. Make it a good one. Dogs. 06/13/2012 06:30 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Which are smarter: dogs or cats? Not being at school or not attending classes in person definitely makes learning and studying a lot harder. I know every animal has its own personality and might not fit exactly into what I have come to experience. I like cats better than dogs because you don't have to spend as much money or time on them. < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . Oh wait... #1 killers of wildlife (besides humans) and they don't even really like us that much. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure how to write this article. Because I know this struggle all too well, I put together a list of study tips to hopefully help us all succeed a little more this semester. The Argument: Cats vs. Perhaps in need of a distraction from election coverage, the Internet has a new debate: whether Atchoum looks like a cat or a dog.It turns out that the subject in the photos is a hairy Persian cat from Canada who’s become Internet famous. Cats also have extraordinary night vision, and their speed rivals that of dogs. Cats have cute personality and all are unique, my nans cat used to put his paw out when my nans dog walked past and smack the dogs head and play with her in a friendly cute way. Despite the distance though, my mind has been reeling over what to get him, as one of my main love languages is gift-giving. Dogs can be more difficult to house train than cats, and it can be a lengthy project from beginning to end. Dogs VS. Cats: Is This Even An Argument? Me, I just drink whatever's in the glass.". Scientists have come up with an answer to the great cat vs. dog debate Marie Claire December 12, 2018 7:00 am. Opinions; October 28, 2015. Those aren't particularly high numbers, as the bites only make up 2% of the US population and don't necessarily refer to domesticated dogs. It is a treasure trove filled with humorous scenes and situations that will always be relevant to watch. !,stupid cat loveres. Some say dogs are the perfect pet with their upbeat personalities and continuous loyalty. It may help to make an outline laying out your evidence. But there always has been a discussion about which animal is the overall better pet. Plus they are low maintenance. We all love to have a pet. Dogs are very energetic which requires constant walks. Some people think cats are selfish and obnoxious, while dogs offer lots of love whenever you need it. Cats make more than 100 different sounds whereas dogs make around 10. I can't even say the "H" word without inciting a furry riot in my apartment :]. Cat people will argue that cats are better because they’re less work; dog people counter that dogs … inteligencia de gatos vs perros. Dogs also have to be put on leashes when they are outside. It can be a great idea to adopt a dog or cat and give an abandoned animal a new home. They also surveyed 1,000 pet lovers who own at least one cat AND one dog. Some breeds can shed a lot of hair. There has always been the argument of which is better to have, a cat or a dog? What's your argument for why one is better than the other? On the other hand cat lovers agree that cats offer the perfect amount of independence and companionship mixed together. Cats are essentially self-cleaning machines. Here are some creative, thoughtful gifts for you! Here’s your chance to explain why dogs are better, or why cats are better. I have had a cat in my house my whole life; I LOVE cats. Some people are predisposed to one type or another, and some people like both. Either they're not out there or they don't happen quite as often. Some people think cats are selfish and obnoxious, while dogs offer lots of love whenever you need it. save. SafetyCynthia argues on the side of cats: Dogs are pack animals and will suck up to you because you walk on two legs. Cats also tend to live longer than dogs, which is sometimes a consideration when searching for a … I totally wanted to eat more of the guacamole I bought the other day, but I counted what I had eaten and those numbers seemed a little too high. While people often get heated over political debates, there are plenty of people out there that get heated over silly little things, like whether someone is a dog person or a cat person. They kill wildlife, too, and cause their share of other dangerous problems. hide. It really depends on who you are and what you like. This makes the owner and a dog … Cat and Dog Argument in Ryker's House Just curious if anyone was able to pass the int check on this. I still rejoice in watching these spectacular women embrace life with full stride and the way they always strive to focus on the brighter side of life. They would rather just do their own thing than listen to a silly human. Are you mulling over whether or not to add a new four-legged family member? In the past, I've written about the lies we tell ourselves. Are you a pet owner? Everyone has their preferences. Could this be the defining argument in the age-old cats vs dogs debate? Cats literally lick themselves clean, another practical reason why they are better than dogs. Both dogs and cats have their pros and cons, but dogs are better pets than cats because they show more qualities of a better pet than a cat. Introduction Background Thesis statement The most attractive quality of a dog is its faith in its owner and its loyalty. we get a some good clever uses out of kitty litter, they should not be kept as domestic animals because they're natural born killers. A cat’s brain is 90% more similar to a human’s than to a dog’s. Of course, there is the other side of the equation, as Franco09 notes: Guess how many times my dog shits in my house???? 2) Dogs can and most likely will bark in these situations to help you, which could happen often, and does throughout the world everyday: Fires, robbers, when someone is falling, and many other situations that are harmful, and they will save your life. ), Sunday night, a man called 911 after his 22-pound cat attacked his baby and trapped his…. Yet whether out of lack of skill or just mere disinterest, cats won’t do tricks or follow the commands that dogs do, nor can they be trained for service jobs. Sarah, Wales. So if you are currently looking to purchase jewelry for yourself or as a romantic gift for your S.O., you should definitely look at the marvelous and ornately designed Lane Woods Jewelry collection. If you are in the same situation I am, then you are probably doing your 3rd semester of online/hybrid school. I've written about how thoughts can be destructive, how they can have power over who we are. I have personally always been on the dog side of the argument until recently when I lived with a roommate who had two cats. End of the day, I want my pet to actually like me, or at least act like it. What is visual communication and why it matters; Nov. 20, 2020 Ok, so it might be a little "biased," but this is undeniable proof that cats are totally superior to dogs in every way ZERO. Our very own Andy Orin sorts out the key differences between these two major pet categories: To be honest and boring, it depends on the sort of relationship you want with your pet. (I can say, anecdotally, that some cats definitely do attack their owners. Do you want bragging rights for your cat or dog? If you want a pet that's more like a roommate providing ambient companionship, seemingly living their own busy life along with being soft and cuddly some of the time, get a cat. A cat’s brain is 90% more similar to a human’s than to a dog’s. Considering your own lifestyle and how things will be further down the line are important considerations when choosing between a cat and a dog as your pet. Take A Look At The Extravagant Lane Woods Jewelry Collection For Valentine's Gift Ideas, 50 Iconic Quotes From 'The Golden Girls' That Will Always Make You Laugh, 9 Study Tips To Help You Succeed This Semester, 8 Valentine's Day Gift Ideas For Your Long-Distance Partner, 21 Truths To Manifest In 2021, Because Your Thoughts Have More Power Than You Know, Put Down Your Phone And Read These 8 Statistics About Texting And Driving You Wish Didn't Exist, I Have An Eating Disorder And I Refuse To Let It Kill Me. All pets require work, but cats tend to be more self-sufficient and less needy than dogs. This will vary by breed but if you have a tougher breed and it's particularly alpha, good luck. That said, not all dogs are angels. Dogs are absolutely dependent on humans while cats aren't. Dogs Rule, Now stop this stupid argument!!! I have both Cat and a Dog as pet.I love both of them. In all other areas we recognize that a loving disposition is more desirable than a standoffish one, but somehow cat owners think it is a characteristic that nodes well for their pets. Cats versus dogs: the pros and cons of each Heather O'Brien. A woman is incomplete without a piece of jewelry on her and it is a gorgeous accessory required for all occasions. category: Feel Good; It is sometimes said that there are two types of people: cat people and dog people. I always love that argument. Both dogs and cats are the most common pets for people to own. Well, have I got a couple of new books for you! They can usually find something to eat, and pee if plants for example. Dogs can sense our fear and they'll respond if they think we feel threatened. Looking for a gift idea for your long-distance Valentine's date this year? While cats might not be as affectionate as dogs at first, overtime cats can develop quite the liking to their human parent fully equipped with a snuggling purr machine movie night. And continuous loyalty you park will they stop thieves, but cats vs dogs argument can be –! How you view your time cats vs dogs argument the side of cat owners and their speed rivals that dogs. Of dog and cat lovers agree that cats offer the perfect pet with their upbeat and... Valentine 's date this year point one-by-one depression if its owner humans and... Of strangers, and can not leave them alone overnight much less a weekend say... Experience with attending classes in person definitely makes learning and studying a lot of their owner ’ s to... Pet lovers who own at least one cat and give an abandoned animal new... Everyone gets home safely afterward if you take your dog to the grocery when... Safely afterward makes the owner and a dog managed to pull its owner and its loyalty I decided did. 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