And with this pen you can replicate the ripple effect in your own work using nothing but CSS … But, you have to know how to make new types of creative using CSS animations. wave > span: nth-child (2){background-color: # F7877C; animation-delay: .2 s;} div. Get insights on scaling, management, and product development for founders and engineering managers. Many years ago if you want to create a MacOS Dock-like with a bouncing effect for your web page, it was a big challenge and you would need JavaScript to help you to do that. Proprietary animation in WebKit based browsers. In this effect, we have some balls which are animated like a wave. Animation is very important part of any website in 2020 because it improves user experience and makes it visually appealing. So CSS3 has so many new properties to make your elements awsome. Rain Effect. You should have some familiarity with HTML5 , And CSS. The technologies used to achieve this effect are CSS and SVG. You can't exactly produce such a wave border effect with CSS (with a repeating pattern, unless you use a lot of elements). Any improvements or suggestions, just leave me a comment below. Your wave goes here... -->