is boarding your dog bad

So another option is to board your puppy. This certainly isn’t to say that owners of other breeds don’t want this training. Whenever a dog with kennel syndrome is left alone in the house, they may engage in destructive behavior like scratching and chewing on the furniture. You’re going on an extended vacation and you’re worried about boarding your dog for the first time. It’s like a daycare for your dog where it gets to spend the days that you can’t be at home with it. One of the most contagious dog diseases is kennel cough. Others, especially the antisocial ones, don’t like it. My Dog Was Bitten By Another Dog – What To Do? Having your dog around when some work is being in your house is not a good idea. But not all of that bacteria is “bad.” But not all of that bacteria is “bad.” You take them to a boarding kennel. It all depends on your dog’s personality, and it gets treated in the boarding facility. It will likely sound like your dog is choking, as it is sharp and quick. Pick up after your dog as soon as possible. Treatment varies with the severity of the symptoms but it is mandatory to keep the infected dog quarantined from other dogs to prevent the disease from spreading. How do you know if your dog has kennel cough? I'd research around your area and make sure that you are using a great kennel. You don’t have to have a superdog to have a great family pet. Finally, your puppy’s temperament also plays a role in the decision of boarding or not boarding. Plan a breeding program, master canine genetics, and use the right strategies. It all comes down to personal preference. Although most of the communicable canine diseases are preventable, they can be fatal to your dog if it gets infected. Go through all of the paperwork from the kennel, and fill … Dogs are den animals and prefer “safe” space so open sleep arrangements often do not permit your furry family to fully rest. Taking your dog to a boarding kennel might result in unforeseen behavioral changes depending on how they interact with other dogs and how the kennel staff treats it. Since most of my relatives don’t like dogs, I thought of leaving my dog at a pet care service while I’m gone, but I was worried that his playful nature might be a hassle for them. Chewing is a natural action for all dogs. The cough sounds like your dog is trying to clear its throat. Besides kennel cough, your dog can pick other contagious diseases such as rabies, canine parvovirus, canine influenza, canine distemper, and others. Dogs should add to your life, not take away from it. Wow, it’s great to know that there are dog boarding facilities that are also going to have health benefits for my dog. Many dog owners feel terrible about putting their dogs into boarding kennels while they go on vacation. So far we have only discussed the applicability of boarding kennels in your dog’s life. Your email address will not be published. There’s something about kennels and separation anxiety. However, a headstrong dog will take a strong trainer. The reason your dog smells bad after boarding is because they are sleeping, eating, and living in a smaller space than usual. With such diseases out there, taking your dog to a boarding kennel seems like quite a huge gamble. Another factor that plays an important role in if boarding your puppy is a good or bad idea, is the boarding facility itself. You can ease the dog’s trauma by offering plenty of opportunities to play and keeping it on a routine. The primary symptom of kennel cough is a strong and deep honking cough. Boarding isn’t for everyone and perhaps in this instance… The thought of your pooch spending all day with other dogs and possibly catching a bug is enough to create concerns. Your friend might, however, have plans of their own and dropping off your dog at their place would inconvenience them. An infected dog might also develop a low appetite and become lethargic. … Kennels and boarding facilities all have different options when it comes to boarding your dog. The most common telltale sign is a drastic change in its behavior and personality. Dogs crave routine: They know when it’s time to eat, … It’s great to know that dog boarding facilities can provide things like medical treatment and socialization. 1000's of dog breeders love The Dog Breeder's Handbook. Any dog can be trained but a lot of that depends on the person doing the training. The question was simply; are kennels bad for dogs, and do you think your dog … Required fields are marked *. Building trust with these people is dependent on how they treat the dog. However, your dog may then see that trainer, and not you, as the alpha leader of the pack. Of course, when you’re remodeling there is going to be banging noises and many faces going in and out of the house. Find a Kennel that is the Right Fit. Other symptoms include jumping and spinning around in the kennel. Dogs are highly adaptable animals which has enabled them to survive for thousands of years. Most dogs that develop separation anxiety do so because they feel alone or lonely to some degree. It comes about when a dog spends most hours in the kennel. The trainers there will have no issue working with your dog and then when it is time for your puppy to come home, you should have no issues either. If your dog purposefully rolls onto its back to playing with another dog, it likely has a submissive personality. Sometimes you can’t help the timing of adding a new, furry addition to the family. Some kennels offer more play time and spend more time with dogs … Few boarding kennels offer or allow much socializing; many operators are afraid the dogs will hurt themselves or each other. However, even the cuddliest, fluffiest, cutest dogs follow their natural instincts of a pack mentality. I know you want a clear, black, and white answer, but the truth is that this all depends on a few factors. Boarding a dog has some serious downsides and should always be the last resort. Many facilities provide the same standard of care, which includes a place for the dog to sleep, regular feedings, and regular playtime. Pertinent phone numbers – your cell number, a close-by emergency contact, and the number of your dog… Receive our FREE 7-day course to a much better breeding + a boatload of super freebies! That is why boarding may or may not be a good idea for your puppy. After the assessment, the vet might decide to prescribe some medication or diet regiment. Training a dog is much easier in the early stages of its life which is why puppyhood is such a crucial point in deciding how trained you want your dog. If your dog suffers from this condition, being separated from … Sort of how some kids love daycare while others start crying the moment they get to the gate. Boarding your puppy is going to be a good or bad idea depending on the owner. Boarding kennels are not equal. It won't hurt your dog to be in the kennel. Bring the puppy to a dog park or to areas where there will be a lot of external influences. Dogs raise the bacteria count in your house, according to researchers at the University of Colorado. As a dog owner, it’s inevitable that at some point you will need to take your pooch to a boarding kennel. But according to a new study, keeping our canine friends … However, if your dog regularly enjoys playtime with other dogs, socializing at the kennel can transform your dog’s stay from a sad endurance event into a fun-filled dog … And you’ll want to pack extra food, just in case something unexpected interferes with your travel schedule. However, boarding your dog for the first time can be overwhelming and emotional at first. Getting a pet sitter or letting your dog stay with a friend would be far much better to the dog and you. Connect with a 5-star sitter who'll welcome your dog into their home when you're out of town—whether it’s just for the weekend or over a few weeks. Dogs get easily upset when their schedules get disrupted. That is not healthy for you and your husband. Series of unbiased buying guides and reviews for dog breeders. However, what exactly makes a dog traumatized after boarding? Pro: These places are like the doggy equivalent of the Ritz! 7 Best Sleeping Pills for Dogs – Our Favorite Sleeping Aids for Dogs! Bad A dog that does not take well with other humans, at least initially, will have a difficult time adjusting to a stranger. An incompetent trainer can do more than just fail to train your dog, they can actually cause a lot of damage and make future training more difficult. For example, a lot of German Shepherd owners do thorough training for their puppies because of the dog’s intelligence. Depending on the dog’s personality, some dogs enjoy going to boarding kennels, especially the social ones. With all the highly infectious diseases floating around, you’re justified to worry. Dogs with a more headstrong personality will try to beat you out for alpha. 7 reasons why your dog is coughing. Traveling is sometimes a complicated affair for most dog owners especially when they can’t take their dog with them. 20 Dog Breeds With Blue Eyes – a List of Stunning Blue-Eyed Dogs. Our bestselling ebook helps you start and manage your dog breeding adventure from day one. Price and availability information shown on Amazon at the moment of purchase will apply. By bringing your puppy to the dog park, you can witness how he or she plays with other dogs. Submissive dogs are generally easier to train because you are immediately seen as the alpha of the pack. Some kennels may do your dog right by offering it the opportunity to interact with other dogs and make some friends. How does a dog catch kennel cough, you’re wondering? If you are traveling for a short while, you have the option of placing your dog in a boarding kennel. If your dog was a quiet dog and is now suddenly aggressive after boarding, then it probably has kennel syndrome. The best bet to prevent your dog from being infected is to have it vaccinated. If I can find a pet care service that can manage to keep him happy, I’m sure I won’t be as anxious when I go on my trip to my relatives’ place. Hiring a professional dog sitter, on the other hand, might turn out to be too expensive because they charge by the hour. Puppies naturally don’t know to go “potty” outside or know the difference between chewing on a chew toy or an iPhone cable. Breeding Business is a platform dedicated to ethical dog breeding around the world. It only makes sense then that you find a dog with separation anxiety some companionship. If your dog is not too social then throwing it in a kennel with other strange dogs would only make matters worse. Other symptoms include sneezing, fever, and a runny nose. So, what are the situations that would lead you to take your dog to a boarding kennel? If your pooch is in a boarding facility that kennels them for long, then it stands a chance of developing kennel syndrome. This will prevent the cysts from entering the environment and will also make your yard a healthier place for dogs and people. Whether he is staying with a friend of yours or at an overnight daycare, we highly recommend bringing your dog’s normal food. Huge … When you take your dog to a boarding kennel, you’re introducing it to a new environment and new people. “Playgroups should be divided … Our team provides quality posts, in-depth articles, interviews, product reviews, and more. It’s important that your dog has plenty of opportunities to play and socialize while at a boarding facility, but it’s also important that everyone is safe. Not surprisingly, most dogs don't seem particularly excited when it comes time to be put in a kennel. How do you know if your dog has kennel syndrome? If your dog is in a boarding kennel that confines dogs to enclosures for long, then the dog might be exposed to immense stress. Kennel syndrome manifests in either extreme aggression or extreme submission. Some dogs may chew incessantly on the kennel cage or themselves resulting in self-mutilation. Your email address will not be published. I’d also be nervous about boarding my dog if I thought about it that way. Infection rates are high for dogs that are exposed to the virus and dogs can get very sick from CIV. When dogs are not rested, just like kids the day after a slumber … This way you can at least be ensured that your puppy will be learning proper behaviors and possibly even some new commands. If your dog is staying home with a sitter, you don’t have to pack at all. Why is temperament important? This may sound over-exaggerated, especially when talking about your tiny, fluffy puppy. The kennel will either alleviate your dog’s separation anxiety or magnify it. As a rule, kittens take to boarding easily and have a wonderful time. Boarding your dog involves having it spend the entire time with other dogs whose health history you’re unaware of. Additionally, some boarding facilities provide support for learning puppies. While some may find it comforting to know their dog is so close to medical help, and it can be valuable if your dog is already sickly, it is probably better not to board your dog at the vet. All your dogs' health, nutrition, fitness, grooming and special care. The Costs Of Owning A Pet [Free Calculator], How To Teach A Puppy To Not Bite You & Bite Inhibition Training, How To Stop Your Dog From Barking When Home Alone, “Should I Be Nervous About Boarding My Dog”, A Comprehensive Guide To Kelowna’s Best Pet Friendly Activities & Adventures, 9 Dog Walking Skills To Look For When Choosing A Dog Walker. Although there are lots of dog kennels and pet boarding centers in northern Virginia, dog barking can make some of these places far from pleasant for your animal.All it takes to understand the problem is to walk into a typical dog … If your dog suddenly loses interest in its toys and feeding, then it’s a sign that it might be traumatized or at least stressed. 09740325), Top 15 Giant Dog Breeds – Lists of the Largest Dog Breeds. Receive a FREE 7-day course to a better breeding + a BOATLOAD of super freebies! After the initial series, your dog should receive this vaccine every year, and it ideally needs … Boarding facilities differ in how they handle dogs and herein comes the problem. But is this a good or bad idea? 1 Kennel Cough. Your dog’s temperament can directly relate to how easy it will be to train. Your bags are packed, your tickets are printed, and you reserved a spot for your pet at the best boarding facility in town. When looking at potential boarding … Fill out all forms from the kennel. This leaves you with boarding as your only option. They want their puppy to not only be able to do the basic commands and doing their business outside, but they want them to be extensively trained. Operated by Lazhar Limited, a company registered in England & Wales (Company No. Chewing. The puppy will get some great socialization skills while in a boarding facility, however, they may not get the custom training you would have given them yourself. If your dog is antisocial, you will have to condition it, so that it associates separation with a positive outcome such as getting a treat. So what do you do to shield your dog from all that commotion? There’s also the option of having a friend come, and dog sit your pooch which would be the best option. It’s essential to note that boarding a dog with separation anxiety doesn’t work on all dogs. Others develop depression-like symptoms like lack of appetite and lethargy. Some tell-tale signs can indicate whether your dog is getting traumatized by the boarding kennel. Yes, prolonged kenneling can drive your dog crazy. For those that have had puppies in the past, you can be sure they will tell you that they bring a lot of joy, but also come with a lot of work. While I can train my dog myself, I’m afraid my sudden change in work schedules will make me have less time to stay at home. A kennel is promotion, networking, bookkeeping, online marketing, and more. Is dog boarding good or bad for dogs? Losing a family member might also cause separation anxiety especially if it was someone who had a close relationship with the dog. It also happens to be a stressful, hands-on time. These tips can help you to ensure that boarding is a low-stress and enjoyable time for your dog. And that’s a good call, because in general, going on a trip or having work done in the house – complete with people in uniforms stomping around in heavy boots making all manner of hammering and sawing noises – can stress out your dog more than spending a few days relaxing and playing in a boarding facility. Another option is having your dog stay at a friend’s house, but you wouldn’t want to burden your friend with taking care of your pooch till you finish remodeling. But despite being ready to go and knowing your pet is in the best possible hands, you still have a nagging feeling of anxiety about leaving your cat or dog … Breeding Business, 2015-2021 © All rights reserved. I wouldn't let it ruin your vacation. In fact, chewing is an important activity for … Dog boarding is great for: Dogs of … Boarding kennels can be compared to kids’ daycares. If thi… However, some boarding facilities actually go above and beyond, providing extra care such as socialization, medical treatment, and a 24-hour staff. The first telltale sign is a drastic behavioral change. This type of dog … Whether you have been waiting on a breeder for a puppy or stumbled across the perfect pup at an adoption event, getting a puppy is an exciting time. Done correctly, boarding can be a low-stress experience for your dog. After all, this is your fur baby and you want some peace of mind when leaving her behind. Every time you return, your dog is less likely to affected by "separation anxiety" and can enjoy boarding more.) Kennel syndrome, also known as “kennelosis,” is the behavior that a dog assumes when it’s in survival mode. Some boarding facilities offer their own food, but a sudden change in dietcan be bad for our dogs, especially if it’s happening during an already stressful time. Whether you’re boarding your dog at a kennel, a friend’s, or a pet sitter’s, you’ll need to pack an overnight bag for your pup. That commotion can add to your dog is going to be a good.! Want some peace of mind when leaving her behind so because they charge by the hour plays. With separation anxiety especially if it gets infected when they can ’ t take their dog to new., on the other hand, might turn out to be a stressful, hands-on time prolonged kenneling can your... And lethargy are traveling for a short while, you should take it to a boarding that! For Amazon Products displayed is boarding your dog bad this page are updated every half an hour and are to! Long, then it probably has kennel syndrome cause the dog ’ s life sure that you take dog! 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