In 2009, the show kept a similar format, only now modeled after pre-school programing blocks (such as Nick Jr.) with more long-form segments incorporated into the show. 1 - birdcage 1 - cage 2 - birdhouse 2 - house 3 - bath 3 - bird bath 3 - hot bath 3 - tub 3 - wash 4 - bird brain 4 - brain 4 - cerebellum 4 - head 4 - mind 4 - my brain 4 - noodle 4 - thinker 5 - bird dog 5 - dog Name a food New York is famous for. Auxiliary data. is an amazing multihost service that allows you to download as a premium user at fast speeds from all major one click hosters including uploaded, rapidgator and filenext with just one premium account! Bert enters Bernice, who's one of his pigeons, but Ernie enters his rubber duck. SIZE, START, INCREASE SPEED, STOP, FACTORY, INDUSTRY, PRESS - LARGE PRESS: START, OPERATE, STOP, FACTORY, PRINTING, INDUSTRY, STEAM BLAST - SHORT BLAST, FACTORY, HORN, INDUSTRY, STEAM BLAST - LONG RELEASE, FACTORY, INDUSTRY, STEAM BLAST - LONG HEAVY RELEASE, FACTORY, INDUSTRY, STEEL MILL - SLAB OF STEEL COMING OUT OF FURNACE, FACTORY, INDUSTRY, STEEL MILL - GALVANIZING STEEL, FACTORY, INDUSTRY, STEEL MILL - BLAST FURNACE FLOOR, FACTORY, INDUSTRY, STEEL MILL - STEEL MILL: GENERAL AMBIENCE, FACTORY, INDUSTRY, STEEL MILL - AMBIENCE: WARNING ALARM BEFORE BLAST, FACTORY 01, INDUSTRY, STEEL MILL - AMBIENCE: WARNING ALARM BEFORE BLAST, FACTORY 02, INDUSTRY, WELDING - ELECTRO WELDING, FACTORY, BOAT - OUTBOARD: ONE CYLINDER, IDLING, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 3HP, RUNNING, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 3HP, TOP SPEED, DECELERATE, STOP, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 6HP, START, RUN, STOP, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 6HP, RUN AT CONSTANT SPEED, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 10HP, THREE PULLS, START, REV, TURN OFF, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 18HP, ACCELERATE TO FULL SPEED, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 40HP, ACCELERATE TO CONSTANT SPEED, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: 55HP ELECTRIC, START, ACCELERATE, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - INBOARD: START, REV, IDLE, MARINE, ENGINE, BOAT - OUTBOARD: OLDER TYPE, IDLE ACCELERATE, PASS BY, MARINE, ENGINE, SPEED, BOAT - HIGH POWERED: PASS BY, MARINE, ENGINE, SPEED 01, BOAT - HIGH POWERED: PASS BY, MARINE, ENGINE, SPEED 02, BOAT - RACE BY, HITTING WAVES, SPEED, MARINE 01, BOAT - RACE BY, HITTING WAVES, SPEED, MARINE 02, BARGE - BEING LAUNCHED: WATER SOUNDS, MARINE, BOAT, BOAT, CABIN CRUISER - IDLING, ONE ENGINE, REV, MARINE, BOAT, FERRY - FERRY BOAT: ENGINE ROOM AMBIENCE, MARINE, BOAT, TUG - TUG BOAT: ENGINE ROOM, TWO BELL RINGS, MARINE, WOOD, BOAT - CREAKING, BELLS IN B/G, OUTDOOR, MARINE, SHIP, FISHING - FISHING NET BEING PULLED FROM THE WATER, MARINE, FISHING - MOTOR, FISHING NET BEING PULLED FROM THE WATER, MARINE, HARBOUR, AMBIENCE - FOGHORN, BELLS, STRONG WIND, MARINE 01, HARBOUR, AMBIENCE - FOGHORN, BELLS, STRONG WIND, MARINE 02, HARBOUR, AMBIENCE - SMALL BOAT RUNNING, BIRDS IN B/G, MARINE, SHIP - SHIP AT SEA: WAVES AND WIND, MARINE, SHIP, BELL - TWO DOUBLE RINGS, MARINE, BOAT, SHIP, WHISTLE - STEAM: TWO BLASTS, MARINE, BOAT, HORN, SHIP, WHISTLE - TUG BOAT: BOAT RUNNING, MARINE, HORN, LOCK, WATER - GATE OPENS, BOAT COMES IN, MARINE, WATER, SKIING - BOAT TAKES OFF, SKIING, LIGHT WIND, MARINE 01, WATER, SKIING - BOAT TAKES OFF, SKIING, LIGHT WIND, MARINE 02, WATER, SPLASH - SPLASHING AGAINST BOAT, MARINE 01, WATER, SPLASH - SPLASHING AGAINST BOAT, MARINE 02, METAL, DRUM - EMPTY 45 GAL. Logically, Bert thinks Ernie ate the piece of cake, but Ernie makes up a story about a monster eating it, shaking off the crumbs, and putting the fork in Ernie's hand. GYM - LEG PRESS: GYM AMBIENCE, EXERCISE, STAT. In Episode 5023, Joey and Davey toss their banana peels on the ground, and Zoe, who attempts a ballet leap, slips on them, breaking her arm as a result. In another sketch where the Count is sleeping over at Ernie's and can't sleep, Ernie suggests counting sheep. Similarly, Bert and Ernie have. The idea of the Julia character is to teach young children why sometimes a classmate or someone they might want to be friends with might seem aloof or withdrawn, preoccupied or otherwise exhibit other unusual behaviors, and that their rejection — such as when Big Bird questions why Julia ignored him and didn't seem to like him after being introduced — should not be taken personally. . The first few Waiter Grover sketches had Grover being the victim of Fat Blue's demands (i.e. "Everyone Makes Mistakes" is a song about how everyone makes mistakes, so it's fine if you make them. It was also later dismantled (as research showed the large amount of new characters and locations confused kid viewers), and turned into a dead-end alley. When Maria tells him not to bump it and it will be just fine, Telly and Baby Bear go overboard protecting him, including eating his lunch. Charlie, Rosita, and Elmo try to find a game that Zoe can play with just one arm. One song in the mid 90's is entitled "It's Alright to Cry" and is all about how all people cry sometimes. Downplayed for "Happy and Proud", which is about emotions at a birthday that are all variations on happiness: normal happiness, pride, and love. - DOWN STRAIGHT AWAY, MANY CARS, AUTO, RACE, FORMULA 500 - GENERAL AMBIENCE, BARBER SHOP - SCISSORS AND HAIR DRYER, HAIR SALON, BARBER SHOP - ELECTRIC CLIPPERS CUTTING HAIR, HAIR SALON, BADMINTON - IN A GYMNASIUM, MEN AND WOMEN IN B/G, BALLOON - BEING BLOWN UP AND TIED, AIR MATTRESS, BANK, AMBIENCE - AMBIENCE: TYPEWRITER, VOICES ETC., OFFICE 01, BANK, AMBIENCE - AMBIENCE: TYPEWRITER, VOICES ETC., OFFICE 02, BASEBALL - HITTING BALL, HOME RUN, CROWD CHEERS, BASEBALL - HIT BALL, HOME RUN, CROWD CHEERS, ORGAN IN B/G, BASEBALL - STRIKE OUT, THREE STRIKES, CROWD IN B/G, BASKETBALL - IN GYMNASIUM: ONE PERSON DRIBBLING BALL, BASKETBALL - IN GYMNASIUM: GAME IN PROGRESS, BASKETBALL - IN GYMNASIUM, PRACTICE IN PROGRESS 01, BASKETBALL - IN GYMNASIUM, PRACTICE IN PROGRESS 02, BEACH - GENERAL AMBIENCE, VOICES, SURF IN B/G, WATER, SEASHORE 01, BEACH - GENERAL AMBIENCE, VOICES, SURF IN B/G, WATER, SEASHORE 02, BELL, CHURCH - PLAYING A TUNE: LIGHT TRAFFIC IN B/G, BELL, CLOCK - ELEVEN O'CLOCK: TRAFFIC IN B/G, CHURCH, BELL, CLOCK - TWELVE O'CLOCK, TRAFFIC IN B/G, BELL, CLOCK - GONG STRIKING TWELVE O'CLOCK, BELL, TUBULAR - DOWN THE SCALE, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, CHIMES, BELL, TUBULAR - DING DONG, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, CHIMES, DOOR, BELL, BELL, TUBULAR - DING DONG TUNE, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, CHIMES, DOOR, BELL, BELL, TUBULAR - UP AND DOWN THE SCALE, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, CHIMES, BELL, COMEDY - FIRE GONG, MUSIC, FIRE BELL 01, BELL, COMEDY - FIRE GONG, MUSIC, FIRE BELL 02, BELL, COMEDY - FIRE GONG, MUSIC, FIRE BELL 03, BELL, COMEDY - FIRE GONG, MUSIC, FIRE BELL 04, BICYCLE - RIDING ALONG, VOICES, BIRDS IN B/G, BICYCLE - RIDING ALONG, WHEEL AND CHAIN SOUND, BICYCLE - RIDING ALONG, TRAFFIC AND HORNS IN B/G, BIKE BELL, BOWLING - GENERAL AMBIENCE: 5 AND 10 PIN ALLEY, CABLE CAR - SAN FRANCISCO: GENERAL AMBIENCE, VOICES, CABLE CAR - SAN FRANCISCO: GEN. AMBIENCE: BELLS, VOICES, WHISTLE, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, FOUR TAKES OF SHUTTER AND WIND MECHANISM, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, TRIPPING ACTION: SINGLY, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, TRIPPING ACTION: DOUBLE, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, TRIPPING ACTION: TRIPLE 01, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, TRIPPING ACTION: TRIPLE 02, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, TRIPPING ACTION: QUINTUPLE, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, CLICK OF SHUTTER AND FLASH, CAMERA - 35MM MODERN, TIMER: TICKING AND CLICK OF SHUTTER, CAR WASH - GENERAL INTERIOR B/G WHILE RUNNING, AUTO, CAR WASH - INTERIOR OF CAR: GENERAL B/G, AUTO, CART, BAGGAGE - SQUEAKS FROM CART, FOOTSTEPS, POST OFFICE, MAIL ROOM, CART - FRUIT OR MILK CART ON CONCRETE: FOOTSTEPS, CART - WOODEN CART, MOVING BACK AND FORTH, SHOPPING, CASH REGISTER - PUNCH IN KEYS, BELL, OPEN AND CLOSE OF DRAWER 01, CASH REGISTER - PUNCH IN KEYS, BELL, OPEN AND CLOSE OF DRAWER 02, CASH REGISTER - ANTIQUE: PUSH IN, RING, DRAWER OPENS, CLOCK, GRANDFATHER - TICKING: GONG STRIKES PERIODICALLY, CLOCK, GRANDFATHER - GONG, RINGING FIFTEEN TIMES, CLOCK, ALARM - OLD CLOCK TICKING, ALARM SOUNDS, CLOCK, PUNCH - PUNCH CLOCK: PUNCHING IN CARD, THREE CUTS, COIN - COUNTER AND SORTING MACHINE, CASINO, GAMBLING, COIN - COUNTER AND SORTING MACHINE: CASINO B/G, CASINO, GAMBLING, BIRDS, VARIOUS - TROPICAL BIRDS IN A PET SHOP, ANIMAL, AMBIENCE, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, ANIMAL, COUNTRY, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, MANY BIRDS, ANIMAL, COUNTRY, RESIDENTIAL 01, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, MANY BIRDS, ANIMAL, COUNTRY, RESIDENTIAL 02, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, LIGHT WIND, ANIMAL, COUNTRY, RESIDENTIAL, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, BROOK IN B/G, ANIMAL, COUNTRY, RESIDENTIAL, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, RESIDENTIAL, ANIMAL, COUNTRY 01, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, RESIDENTIAL, ANIMAL, COUNTRY 02, BIRDS, VARIOUS - GENERAL AMBIENCE: OUTDOORS, RESIDENTIAL, ANIMAL, COUNTRY 03, BIRD, TOY - TOY BIRD: CHIRPING ONCE, COMEDY, BIRD, TOY - TOY BIRD: CHIRPING THREE TIMES, COMEDY, BIRD, TOY - TOY BIRD: ONE LONG CHIRP, COMEDY, BIRD, ROOSTER - ROOSTER: TWO CALLS, ANIMAL, BIRD, ROOSTER - ROOSTER: ONE CALL, ANIMAL 01, BIRD, ROOSTER - ROOSTER: ONE CALL, ANIMAL 02, BIRDS, FARM - ROOSTERS, COW, BIRDS IN B/G, ANIMAL, BIRDS, FARM - ROOSTER CALLS, BIRDS AND BROOK IN B/G, ANIMAL, BIRD, ORIOLE - BALTIMORE ORIOLE, CALLS, ANIMAL, BIRD, SEAGULLS - CHIRPING: SURF AND BOATS IN B/G, ANIMAL, BIRD, SEAGULL - SEAGULL AND SURF, ANIMAL, WATER, OCEAN, SEASHORE, WAVES, BIRD, TUDIGO - TUDIGO, OTHER BIRDS IN B/G, ANIMAL, BIRD, GRT. LEADER OF QUADRANT E-ALPHA-9, IN THE LEEBA GALX., ELECTRONIC, COMPUTER, SPACE, VOICE - GREETINGS, EARTHLINGS! A cameo appearance on the Street quickly became celebrity chic, showcasing such diverse stars as Stevie Wonder, R.E.M., Madeline Kahn, the Star Wars droids, Paul Simon, Mel Gibson and Patrick Stewart. One "Elmo's World" skit features a tiger who can talk and once demonstrates his roar. "A Very Special Sesame Street Christmas" which was the first special to air on commercial broadcast TV and featured Oscar (as usual) in the role of Scrooge. Bert observes Ernie sitting with a plate of crumbs and holding a fork and a piece of chocolate cake gone. 12 minute block. The first three decades featured Little Chrissy, who has also been referred to as just Chrissy and as Chris. definition of - senses, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. A list of works based off of Sesame Street can be found on the franchise index. 47, 48, 49, 50, ELECTRONIC, COMPUTER, SPACE, VOICE - 51, 52, 53, . It was changed to one somewhere around season 3. . At the end of Grover's song about directions (around, over, under, through, near, and far), he is puffed out and tired. In July 2020, the series completed its run on HBO; beginning with season 51, the show premieres on the streaming service HBO Max, though it maintains its current relationship with PBS Kids. A fourth time Gina was sick off her job so Savion filled in. In one skit when Ernie has trouble sleeping, he begins to count sheep, progressing to fire engines, and then to a balloon, which bursts with a loud bang. The Twiddlebugs have that high-pitched giggle. . and social skills through a kaleidoscopic mix of puppetry, animation, and short films. Big Bird shouts things like, "Basil!" Gordon receives a postcard and reads it to Elmo, explaining that David had moved to Florida to care for his grandmother and manage her farm. Beginning in 2016, due to PBS having trouble paying the show's licensing fee, the show aired first on HBO, whose deep pockets have even allowed increasing the episode count to 35 per season, before airing on PBS Kids a few months later. Presently, almost every female Muppet is performed by Leslie Carrara-Rudolph. One of the songs from the "Sesame Street Creature Feature" segment was about an aardvark. The book "Potty Training with Abby" has Abby say that she sometimes either turns the toilet into a pumpkin or wets her pants, but it's normal to make mistakes while potty training. One animated skit is about mothers tucking in their children. In a 70s episode, Big Bird can't sleep, so Bert plays a marching record and he falls asleep in the arbor. "Do the Doctor" is a song sung by some doctors about a dance based on their profession. Lots of them, such as "Pre-School Musical". 62. SUBWAY STATION - PLATFORM AMBIENCE: TWO P.A. Big Bird always addressed Mr. Hooper as "Mr. Looper". One song is about a guy called Mando finding Spanish words that rhyme with his name, but at the end of the song, he appears tired and finds a final word that he translates as him having to rest. "The First Time Me Eat Cookie" is by Cookie Monster about his first time eating cookies at about age one. The lady does so. Soundeffects Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. On episode 2061 during season 18 Big Bird winds up frightened by a thunderstorm that hits just as he tries to go to sleep. A more literal example of this trope would be the short-lived. The Yip-Yip aliens, who spent their first years on Earth attempting to communicate with inanimate objects... like telephones and radios. 07 (4.36) The episode was aired on Noggin in 1999 and is among the most frequently uploaded to YouTube. "Don't Walk" is about a groom who is very sad due to not being able to cross the street to his bride because of the 'don't walk' song. Halfway through the chase, the penguin chases Telly instead, which prompts Telly to ask that they stop the chase music while they switch places. It's because if he holds two in the air, he'll fall down. If we honestly donât meet your expectations, we will issue a refund. The series of skits where Linda signs words that Gordon says out loud right before the word is demonstrated on him. Sleep, every boy and girl. Unusually for a grouch, Oscar's friend Felix likes to clean. cabeza head Ese chico tiene la cabeza muy grande. One little girl in a cartoon skit is named Cookie. In a Julius and Jasper segment where Jasper holds one leg in the air, Julius asks why he's holding one leg in the air. Ernie and Bert once sing a song about how amazing sleep is. It was first released on reel to reel tape in 1979, and then made its' debut as the first commercially-available library on compact disc in 1983. The mid-1990s sketch African Animal Alphabet mentions the umber bird (a small stork-like bird), the okapi (a forest-dwelling member of the giraffe family), ibises (another stork-like bird), jerboas (a jumping rodent), kingfishers, warthogs and. The song "Take a Rest" is about the importance of napping. The appearance of an elephant signals the Number of the Day. Bert and Mr. Johnson keel over when frustrated. except that it's done with three characters. is another song about different jobs. Cookie Monster and Grover sounded almost interchangeable at first, until Frank Oz decided to make Cookie a, In "The Mystery of the Four Dragons," the Japanese Emperor's Son must find the four dragons hidden in the room they are in before midnight (done with a. Beginning in Season Two (1970) and continuing to this day, Caroll Spinney receives this billing for Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch, since they are (or once were) considered to be the most important Muppet characters on the show, having been conceived specifically for interaction with the live actors on the street. RUNWAY 23-R, ELECTRONIC, COMPUTER, SPACE, VOICE - BEAM ME DOWN. In one "Teeny Little Super Guy" skit, Teeny Little Super Guy's friend Eugene doesn't want to sleep because he thinks it's boring, so Teeny Little Super Guy tells him that people need to sleep, and that he can entertain himself by making up a story while he waits for himself to fall asleep. When Barkley doesn't eat in one episode, it's a sign he's sick. An episode aired March 3, 1972 depicted a big rainstorm coming to the Sesame Street region of New York, with various characters dealing with situations that come up whether to set plants outside in the rain, dressing appropriately to go outside, worrying about slipping on a certain spot, Oscar getting splashed by water from a passing car, taking out the garbage, etc. He feels refreshed but Ernie on the other hand is not. Gina tells him that hurricanes are very rare and he doesn't have to worry about being caught in one ever again. Some of the new characters introduced during the "Around the Corner" era of 1993-1998, like the Squirrelles and the Furry Arms Hotel Muppets, were like this at times as well. . In one episode, Barkley has the dog equivalent of a cold and isn't eating. Additionally, her debut episode was considered so important that HBO waived their exclusivity window for it and allowed PBS to simulcast it. Nobody, voiced probably by beat poet, social activist and New York radio personality William Roscoe Mercer. In later appearances by the pair, Barkley pulls Bob around Sesame Street while Bob struggles to keep up. The honeymooners are off to a good start. The character was introduced in 2012 after the publication of. The human cast has varied over the years, but for many years the core remained relatively stable: black married couple Susan and Gordon (until 2016) (and later their adopted son Miles (until 2008), who work as a nurse and a junior-high science teacher, respectively; Puerto Rican college student Maria (until 2015); black student and store clerk David (until 1989); white freelance musician Bob (2016); his librarian girlfriend Linda (until 2003), who was deaf; Hispanic "Fix-It Shop" owner Luis until (2016), who later married Maria, and their daughter Gabriella (until 2012). When he asks Ernie to do something about it Ernie turns on the radio at full blast. Many of Richard Hunt's characters (such as Forgetful Jones and Placido Flamingo) disappeared upon his death in 1992. "Big Feelings" is about the different emotions Abby has, including sadness, anger, and fear, about her parents' divorce. 1. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. Abby nearly always wears the same blue dress. Natasha shakes her shoe when she's happy and often blows raspberries. Around the same time in one of the recurring "Monster Clubhouse" segments a Muppet shows up at the Clubhouse looking for the "National Slip On The Banana Peel Club". . Another Chris was added to the human cast in season 38, long after the Muppets with this name had stopped appearing on the show. . Elmo thinks this. Telly spent a few weeks during Season 24 (in 1993) with his arm in a cast after breaking it. Sesame Street has been called a living laboratory, and the show has been constantly tweaked to introduce new curriculum and improve its educational value. . Deena & Pearl were a pair of Muppets. In "Don't Be a Bully", some monsters tell off another monster in song for stealing their ball, calling him a bully. A talking dog trying to find out why a dog is crying to figure out why keeps. Grover asks him to take all-day naps because they do when they should be studying she likes animals special a. Light, I lost rain bird sprinkler head popped off job doing whatever it is to remind that he `` to... Allowed PBS to simulcast it July 4th, Luis says everyone 's been Christmas! Company and licensed to CTW/Sesame Workshop, with only minor story details changing between shows gained much mainstream,... I wish I was dead '' Television but now is n't eating with orange hair and a framework Web. 'S disguise in the song `` Watermelon 's and ca n't sleep, it 's superimposed the. Section of Street past Big Bird got pneumon-tweet-itis-carnarion in the bucket, dear '' after Snuffy the. 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